- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Dear Parents/ Carers,
A warm welcome to the new academic year! We are happy to see you all and hope you have had a great summer break. This is just a short note to introduce some of the routines for your children in Year 2. The children have had a lovely first week and have settled nicely into their new class.
Class Topic
Our first topic of the year is called Green Fingers! It is a Science-based topic about plants and trees and the animals that live within our locality - Penllegaer Woods. It also focuses on the key figures and events in history that took place at the site. We are looking forward to getting started and are planning on lots of visits in order to work closely with the Penllegaer Woods team! Get your wellies ready! More news to come soon!
PE will take place on Thursday. PE will take place outdoors where possible. Please could your child come to school already dressed in an outdoor PE kit (joggers/leggings or shorts, T-shirt, trainers and school jumper).
Snacks and Drinks
Please could your child bring a healthy snack in a labelled container and water bottle everyday. Your child will need to bring their snack into class each morning so please ensure it is easily accessible to them. In order to maintain up to date records, please could you let me know of any allergies, medication or dietary requirements your child may have.
Funday Friday
The children will be using the outdoor area on a daily basis however on a Friday we will be spending more of our time outdoors. As the weather starts to turn a little colder, please ensure your child has warm clothing particularly on these days or a raincoat if weather is changeable.
Please could reading books be brought in on your child’s reading day. Their reading day may alter from last year - their Reading Day will be stuck in their Reading Record. If your child finishes their reading book before their allocated reading day, we would encourage you to return books to be changed - please do not wait until their next reading day.
Weekly homework will be set via our online platforms, Reading Eggs and MathSeeds - this will be set from next Friday. Each platform provides the children with online lessons before completing their end of lesson tasks. Spelling lessons will take place via Reading Eggs. At the end of tasks, the children will complete an online quiz. The progress made will be shared with me through the platform, therefore I will not be completing spelling tests in class. Online passwords will be sent home next Friday. If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask.
School Website
Please visit our class page regularly. I will post photos, pieces of work and videos in order to share all the great work we are doing in Year 2 within project areas.
Hopefully this answers any questions you have. If there are any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Bate.