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Play, Learn and Grow Together

LPS Personal Learning Journey

LPS has enhanced Pupil Voice provision, creating more opportunities for pupils to lead and self-determine their own learning through our LPS Matrix approach and our LPS Learning Projects.  All learners can talk about how the questions they generate using the LPS Matrix at the start of each topic are used to develop their ideas and learning.  Nearly all learners are able to talk about how they independently researched and investigated their self-directed learning. These strategies are contributing to child-initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning.


Pupil voice and self-determined learning is further enhanced with the application of our LPS Personal Learning Journey (PLJ), designed to develop understanding and embed the concept of the 4 Purposes, Cross-curricular and Integral Skills. The aim of the PLJ is to steer learners and teachers to adopt a more Andragogical and Heutagogical approach.  This strategy empowers all pupils to reflect, self-evaluate and improve themselves as lifelong learners.


All learning at LPS focuses on the 4 Purposes, preparing you to thrive in a future where digital skills, adaptability and creativity are crucial, rooted in Welsh values and culture.


This Personal Learning Journey separates the 4 Purposes into 16 important themes, designed to support learner progression and their journey towards becoming lifelong learners within the 21st Century:


  1. Values

  2. Citizenship

  3. Self-Direction

  4. Thinking

  5. Planning to Aim High

  6. Creativity

  7. Applying Skills

  8. Problem Solving

  9. Resilience

  10. Staying Positive

  11. Communication

  12. Collaboration

  13. Teamwork

  14. Leadership

  15. Financial & Business Skills

  16. Personal Effectiveness


Each theme becomes a focus for the whole school over two weeks, where learners discuss and evaluate their understanding and application within learning throughout the fortnight. Success on progress and development is celebrated in weekly assemblies and good practice is shared via our school website.  The fortnightly focus is introduced and modelled by members of the SLT during weekly assemblies (or teaching staff in class assemblies).


The introduction of the PLJ has led to a number of significant improvements at LPS:

  • Pupils set their own learning targets, demonstrating a greater understanding of the learning process and how they learn (Metacognition).

  • Pupils are able to demonstrate their improved understanding of learning strategies during plenaries and through verbal and written evaluations of their learning (Super-Evaluations).

  • Pupils have an increased knowledge of what makes an all-round learner and are able to identify their strengths and recognise how and where they can improve (Marking Feedback).

  • Improved quality in self and peer assessment (AfL Systems).

  • Improved standards of Oracy, Drafting & Editing skills (LPS Literacy Booklet)

  • Enhancing the opportunity for all learners to develop and realise the 4 Purposes of the LPS Curriculum, supporting learners to become:

    • Ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives;

    • Enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work;

    • Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world;

    • Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

  • Further enhancing the opportunity for all learners to develop, apply and embed Integral Skills across the all Areas of Learning:

    • Creativity & Innovation

    • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

    • Personal Effectiveness

    • Planning & Organising

  • When focusing on these Integral skills linked to the 4 Purposes, learners are provided the opportunity to discuss and analyse Cross-cutting themes that:

    • develop an appreciation of sustainable development, emerging and advancing technologies and the challenges and changes that effect local, national and international contexts.

    • provide space to generate creative ideas and to critically evaluate alternatives – in an ever-changing world.

    • be supported and challenged so that they are prepared to confidently meet the demands of working in uncertain situations, as changing local, national and global contexts result in new challenges and opportunities for success.

    • build their resilience and develop strategies which will help them manage their well-being – encountering experiences where they can respond positively in the face of challenge, uncertainty or failure.

    • develop learners ability to work effectively with others, valuing the different contributions they and others make.

    • develop understanding of relationships, human rights, diversity and enterprise.


​​​​​​​Please download and view our Personal Learning Journey Booklet below to learn more.

LPS Personal Learning Journey Booklet

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392