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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Target 1

The LPS Curriculum design focuses on a coherent collection of rich, engaging, diverse and relevant Learning Projects that ensures:

  • Continuity and progression of skill application, and deepening of specific knowledge and values, that supports learners to realise the four purposes.

  • Provision of increasingly sophisticated understanding and application of the Statements of What Matter, which provide the basis for learners' progression.

  • Provide further depth and breadth through awareness and application of the Descriptions of Learning across all Areas of Learning over time.

  • Application and sophistication of Cross-curricular and Integral Skills.

  • Consideration of Cross-cutting elements, which allow learners to:

    • consider local, national and international contexts, 

    • develop understanding of real world experiences,

    • develop understanding of human rights education and diversity.

  • Motivation of learners to self-direct their enquiry driven learning using our LPS Matrix approach.

  • The identification and selection of effective strategies or approaches throughout the learning process using our LPS Pupil Learning Journal.


AoLE Leaders and Pupil Voice Groups undertook a variety of whole school monitoring and evaluation processes such as, work scrutiny, environment walks and listening to learners. AoLE Leaders and Class Teachers also completed data analysis of standardised testing and reviewed progress of the new LPS Curriculum projects.



  • Children in Year 6 spoke passionately about their Wales at War project and stated how they found it interesting to learn about how Swansea was affected by the War. The children have carried out many cross-curricular activities linked to Swansea and the War and spoke about them with interest. A great example of this is how the children researched and created a timeline of main events of the Swansea Blitz, and then used ICT to create animated Swansea skylines during the War.

  • Learners in Year 1 have enjoyed learning about Welsh heroes and how they helped us and made our lives better. The children did research and created biographies and painted portraits of their chosen Welsh hero.

  • It is clear to see that the children have a sense of identity and a better understanding of where Wales fits in to Wider World. Examples of this can be seen in Year 5 where they have been learning about all the different Nations of the British Empire and used data of Welsh settlers in Patagonia to solve mathematical problems.

  • Within the Year 2 project Green Fingers, children responded to their class novel using drama skills in order to express empathy for the character. This helped the children develop the use of emotive language within their written work.


SLT and Class Teachers have now completed the first draft of all Learning Projects across the school, in readiness to implement for the next academic year.  These also include our Enterprise Summer Projects, utilising our remodelled and revised Pupil Learning Journey Booklet.  The implementation of these will be reviewed and evaluated through the year to ensure they meet the success criteria and policy.


Progression Models for each AoLE have been completed for each AoLE and the LPS Pupil Learning Journey.  These are designed to ensure that all learners have access to and experience of all aspects of the Curriculum for Wales.  They are centred around the 4 Purposes, Statements of What Matter, Cross-Curricular Skills, Cross-Cutting Themes and Integral Skills. These have also provided the school with our new assessment and tracking system that will be utilised to measure progress of all learners across the curriculum.


Next Steps:

  1. Train all staff in the use of the new LPS Progression Models for each AoLE and review their implementation and impact on learning across the school.
  2. Train all staff in the use of the reviewed LPS Learning Project for each year group and review their implementation and impact on learning across the school.
  3. Train all staff in the use of 'Insight', our new tracking and assessment tool, which utilises our LPS Progression Models and PLJ.
  4. Ensure that AoLE Leaders, Pupil Voice Groups and the Monitoring Committee  monitor, review and evaluate the impact of our Progression Models and Learning Projects across the school, making additions and amendments where required, ensuring our curriculum meets the needs of all learners, our community and Curriculum for Wales.
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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392