- September 2024 Newsletter 5th September 2024
- End of Year News 2024 17th July 2024
- July 2024 Newsletter 11th July 2024
It is the policy of Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound to provide safe outings for children in our care as part of their learning experience, sharing the events with and involving, the children’s parents/carers wherever possible.
We do this by:
Involving parents/carers in the choice of venue by:
Completing a written risk assessment of the chosen venue and associated activities prior to the outing taking place (including a pre-visit as needed).
Providing our insurers with relevant information in a timely manner.
Maintaining records of own vehicles and drivers used (as appropriate).
Informing parents of the proposed outing by displaying information on the notice board and by letters containing all details and consent forms which are required to be returned at an agreed date.
Inviting parents to participate in the outing and on acceptance, agreeing their responsibilities.
Implementing an adult/child ratio in line with the risk assessment, (a minimum of 1:2).
Maintaining levels of staff qualifications in line with the risk assessment (minimum: in line with regulatory requirements).
Ensuring all details for contacts and individual needs are taken on the outing and held by a named person.
Ensuring at least two mobile phones (that have signal coverage and battery use throughout the outing’s duration and location) are available:
For use by one named person.
The number is known to all adults attending and appropriate contacts in the provision and attendant children’s families.
Maintaining a register of all attending, checking children are present at regular intervals throughout the outing as well as at the beginning and end.
Issuing on the day, identification (including a mobile contact number) to be worn by all children.
Operating a robust, "Children who are lost or missing policy and procedure".
Identifying and informing all adults attending of the named first aider who will carry a first aid kit and any appropriate equipment such as inhalers.
Asking parents to supply any packed lunch/refreshments/drinks for their children in safe containers.
Asking parents to dress their children in clothing that is suitable for the event.
Reviewing the success of the outing and amending the written risk assessment and any other documentation to improve future outing arrangements.
Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound provides these outings at (minimum/no cost) to parents/carers.
In addition to the above procedure, Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound issues the following guidance to adults accompanying children when visiting farms or animal parks in line with the risk assessment undertaken for the specific outing:
Parents/carers, and staff are advised of risks that can occur to women who are pregnant while visiting farms, particularly during the lambing season.
Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound ensures the children treat the animals with respect and consideration in line with our ‘Looking After our Environment Policy’.
Children are encouraged to listen carefully and follow instructions given by the adults.
All participants wear appropriate clothing and provide a change of footwear.
All participants approach and handle any animals quietly and gently.
All participants wash hands thoroughly after any contact with any animals, particularly before eating.
All participants eat only in designated areas.
Children are not allowed to get too close to any animals.
Children are not allowed to pick up any tools unless permitted to do so.
Particular care is taken after any contact with animal faeces.
This policy and procedure is supported by the information and forms found under Outings: planning, risk assessment and review forms.
Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s children who are lost or missing policy should be read in conjunction with this policy and procedure.
Next Review Date:
September 2024