- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
We believe that emotional health and well-being (EHWB) is best defined as ‘…..a holistic, subjective state which is present when a range of feelings, among them energy, confidence, openness, enjoyment, happiness, calm and caring, are combined and balanced.’
(Thinking Positively: Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Schools and Early Years Settings (WAG 2009)
By promoting EHWB it helps to ensure ‘happier and more motivated pupils and staff who get more out of school life.’
(National Health School Standard Promoting Emotional Health and Wellbeing)
The basis for pupil participation is found in article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNRC: UNICEF UK, 1990). In article 12 of the UNCRC, it sets out the rights of the children and young people to express an opinion and to have that opinion taken into account on any matter that affects them.
“Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously” (UNICEF UK, 1990, p.5)
Pupils will be provided with a breadth of opportunities to participate such as:
LPS Pupil Voice Groups:
Happy Healthy Helpers
Criw Iaith
Eco Warriors
Creative Crew
Class, Phase & Whole School Assemblies
Pupil Questionnaires
We believe that having a strong school ethos which promotes Pupil Voice and EHWB creates a direct contribution to school improvement, for example:
Pupils feel comfortable to achieve the LPS 28 aspirations.
Pupils are more involved in school life, have a say in what happens, and therefore more engaged in the learning process.
Pupils have a breadth of opportunities to participate with and beyond the school.
Pupils with higher self-esteem and confidence.
Pupils can concentrate and learn more effectively.
Improved levels and application of skills.
Pupils are better prepared to become informed citizens of Wales and the World.
Provides pupils with excellent teaching focused on needs of the learner.
Fewer pupils disengaged from learning and school.
Very few instances of antisocial behaviour.
Very few cases of non-attendance/school phobia.
Positive relationships between staff and pupils.
Improved morale.
We want all our children to say that the things which have had the biggest impact on their emotional wellbeing are:
having people to talk to,
personal achievement,
being praised,
generally feeling positive about themselves.
We wish to work closely with the Pupil Voice Groups and to hear their views and opinions as we acknowledge and support Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that children should be encouraged to form and to express their views.
We as a school community have a commitment to promote equality. Therefore, an equality impact assessment has been undertaken and we believe this policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010.
To promote pupil voice, emotional health and well-being in order to ensure happier and more motivated pupils and staff who get more out of school life.
To work with all members of our community, and other schools, in order to improve policy, procedure, practice, positivity, morale and ethos.
Role of the Governing Body
delegated powers and responsibilities to the Headteacher to promote emotional health and well-being and to ensure all school personnel and visitors to the school are aware of and comply with this policy;
responsibility for ensuring that the school complies with all equalities legislation;
nominated a designated Equalities governor to ensure that appropriate action will be taken to deal with all prejudice related incidents or incidents which are a breach of this policy;
responsibility for ensuring funding is in place to support this policy;
responsibility for ensuring this policy and all policies are maintained and updated regularly;
responsibility for ensuring all policies are made available to parents;
the responsibility of involving the School Council in the development, approval, implementation and review of this policy;
nominated a link governor to visit the school regularly, to liaise with the Headteacher and the coordinator and to report back to the Governing Body;
responsibility for the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy
Role of the Headteacher
ensure all school personnel, pupils and parents are aware of and comply with this policy;
work closely with the link governor and coordinator;
provide leadership and vision in respect of equality;
provide guidance, support and training to all staff;
develop, over a period of time, an emotionally healthy school by a whole school approach encompassing eleven criteria namely:
Appropriate Polices & Strategies in place:
Anti-Bullying Policy and Strategy
Positive Behaviour Management Policy
Appropriate strategies to address; multi-cultural, gender, sexual orientation, sexual exploitation, special needs and health issues which avoid stereotyping and discrimination.
Commitment to whole staff training on mental and emotional health and well-being related issues.
Engagement with, and response to, specific local/national initiatives and environment and social issues.
Mental and emotional and well-being covered by the Foundation Phase, National Curriculum and Personal and Social Education.
Out of school hours learning incorporate activities which are inclusive and promote increased self-esteem and well-being.
Pupil participation / Pupil Voice.
Staff participation.
School environment, ethos and the informal curriculum.
Involvement of families and community.
Involvement and collaboration with outside statutory and voluntary agencies and individuals
The development of a health promoting workplace which recognises the importance of support for mental and emotional health and well-being.
(Thinking Positively: Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Schools and Early Years Settings (WAG 2009)
Facilitate an audit of EHWB that looks at:
Leadership, management and managing change
Policy development
Curriculum planning and resourcing
Teaching and learning
School culture and environment
Giving pupils a voice
Provision of support for pupils
Staff professional development, health and welfare
Partnerships with parents/carers and local communities
Assessing, recording and reporting pupil achievement
Role of the Coordinator
lead the development of this policy throughout the school;
work closely with the Headteacher and the nominated governor;
provide guidance and support to all staff;
provide training for all staff on induction and when the need arises;
keep up to date with new developments and resources;
review and monitor.
Role of the Senior Leadership Team
consider Pupil Voice and EHWB as being a priority of the SIP;
provide resources to support this policy;
monitor the performance of pupils by analysing data and by discussion with class teachers;
monitor the progress and development of this policy.
Role of School Personnel
comply with all aspects of this policy;
undertake appropriate training;
implement the school’s equalities policy and schemes;
report and deal with all incidents of discrimination;
attend appropriate training sessions on equality;
report any concerns they have on any aspect of the school community.
Role of Pupils
support the LPS Code of Conduct and guidance necessary to ensure the smooth running of the school;
comply with the LPS Community Agreement;
work towards the LPS 28 Aspirations;
produce work of a high standard, following the LPS Expectations;
participate in discussions concerning progress and attainment;
liaise with the Pupil Voice Groups;
take part in questionnaires and surveys.
Role of the Pupil Voice Groups
discussing improvements to this policy during the school year;
organising surveys to gauge the thoughts of all pupils;
reviewing the effectiveness of this policy with the Governing Body.
Role of Parents/Carers
be encouraged to take an active role in the life of the school by attending:
parents and open evenings
parent-teacher consultations
class assemblies
school concerts
fundraising and social events
be encouraged to work in school as volunteers;
be encouraged to organise after school clubs or groups;
be asked to take part periodic surveys conducted by the school;
ensure regular and punctual attendance;
notify school on the first day of pupil absence;
have holidays in term time and authorised by school;
encourage effort and achievement;
encourage completion of homework and return it to school;
provide the right conditions for homework to take place;
hand in homework on time;
support the LPS Code of Conduct and guidance necessary to ensure smooth running of the school;
comply with the LPS Community Agreement;
ensure correct school uniform is worn.
We ensure all school personnel have equal chances of training, career development and promotion. Periodic training will be organised for all school personnel so that they are kept up to date with new information and guidelines concerning equal opportunities.
This policy will be reviewed when required.