- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
In our journey towards enhancing the opportunities to provide our learners with everlasting learning skills, we asked three very important questions:
What does independent learning really look like?
What is self-directed learning?
How about self-determined learning?
Pedagogy - Instructor Led Learning:
Lets start by looking at what really pedagogy means:
Pedi (Child) Agogy (Leading) – Leading the Child
Instructor led tuition – Teacher prepares and leads learning
Teacher at the centre
Unidirectional process
Learner contribution is limited in reality
Mostly found in school environment – historically!
The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience and the senses.
Andragogy- Self Directed Learning:
If Pedagogy is mainly teacher centred, what would a co-constructed arrangement look like, offering more self-direction and regulation?
Heutagogy - Self Determined Learning:
Androgogical systems certainly develop greater learner contribution and a sense of co-construction, however if we are to offer truly stickable life-long learning skills then we need to offer more self-determined approaches:
The following pages within this Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Area demonstrate the opportunities we provide, considering all 3 teaching and learning models mentioned above.
They also demonstrate our drive is to provide a multitude of rich learning experiences where pupils become increasingly self-determined within their learning and progress across the school:
Our new LPS Learning Projects are designed with engaging topics that provide a hook.
The LPS Matrix provides rich opportunities to generate higher order thinking and questions for enquiry.
Higher order thinking and questions elicit self-direction and self-determination moving toward more Heutagogical models.
Our AfL systems provide self-reflection, self-evaluation and self-improvement skills.
Our Personal Learning Journey (PLJ) uses the 4 Purposes as driver for personal target setting, ensuring that we provide all learners with the opportunity to become ambitious, enterprising, ethical and healthy individuals.
Our Aim is to ensure our learners leave us with life-long learning skills and are ready to make positive impacts locally, nationally and internationally.