During review week, the AoLE Leader and PVG carried out monitoring activities and we identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan:
- All classes have evidence of the PLJ and Right of the Week in their literacy books or on their webpage. There is evidence of incorporating PLJ and the Right of the Week into other areas of learning, such as collaborating with other classes to answer questions from the LPS Matrix. This has enabled learners to have a deeper understanding of their rights and how the four core purposes are at the heart of their learning.
- The Happy Healthy Helpers have been utilising the resources from their drop in, Turn Your Frown Upside Down to use within their bubbles at break and lunch times. This has allow the PVG to develop their leadership skills by offering their knowledge and expertise of emotion coaching. It has also enabled learners to develop strategies to deal with different emotions.
- Both the Happy Healthy Helpers and Eco warriors are involved in the writing of the action plan to work towards the Silver Rights Respecting School Award. Both PVGs have worked collaboratively to do this. This allows learners to build relationships with others, demonstrating problem solving and leadership skills.
- The Happy Healthy Helpers surveyed members of the class (Y2-Y6) and found that nearly all learners had a happy return to school and enjoyed using the wellbeing resources to transition back to school. This shows that learners at LPS have enjoyed being back at school and their wellbeing has been the priority.
- The Happy Healthy Helpers enjoyed planning wellbeing activities for Children in Need, Children's Mental Health Week and Empathy Day. All were a success and allowed learners to explore issues surrounding wellbeing, sharing feelings, thoughts and ideas on supporting one another.
Our next steps are: - The Happy Healthy Helpers to review the new LPS Curriculum Projects to check for coverage and progression across each year group. To ensure that there are opportunities for self- determined learning.
- To continue to support the Happy Healthy Helpers to offer emotion coach training to the other PVGs. This will enhance pupil understanding of emotions, how they respond to them and how they impact relationships.
- To continue to work collaboratively with the Eco Warriors towards the Silver Rights Respecting School Award.
Physical Education
During this academic year, the AoLE Leader monitored Physical Education at LPS by listening to learners and speaking to staff.
The AoLE Leader identified the following strengths in Physical Education at LPS:
- Nearly all pupils continue to engage with and enjoy their PE sessions. There is a wide range of activities being delivered, ensuring good coverage of skills for learners. For example, gymnastics, rugby and athletics.
- It is evident that pupils are developing their understanding of sports and competition by developing their own unique invasion games as is evident in upper Key Stage 2.
- Nearly all classes have developed the use of success criteria during PE sessions. This has enabled pupils to have a clearer understanding of what is expected in each session.
- When listening to learners, nearly all pupils spoken to have a very good understanding of what it means to be healthy and how to maintain a healthy body through exercise and a balanced diet. For instance, Year 4 pupils explained the importance of having certain food and drink in moderation.
- There has been continued success with our partnership with Swansea City A.F.C. Nearly all pupils involved have enjoyed and engaged well in both physical and academic activities.
Our next steps are:
- The Happy Healthy Helpers and AoLE Leader working together to review new projects throughout the school to ensure progression and coverage of the Health and Wellbeing What Matters Statements.
- To develop and implement strategies for AFL during PE lessons to aid pupils understanding.
- To develop and implement a continuum of PE skills for each year group to ensure clear progression of skills and to incorporate the What Matter Statements.