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Play, Learn and Grow Together
Target 4 Progress
Area of Learning Leader Action Plans
Autumn Term Review:
- New AoLE Leaders appointed and have researched their new leadership areas in readiness for New Curriculum implementation. AoLE Action Plans in Place (See AoLE Area).
- They have provided an effective plan to move the school forward within their Area of Learning.
- Each AoLE Leader to set up a Pupil Voice Group for their area – to act as a steering committee for change across the school. (See The Happy Healthy Helpers as one example).
- The PVGs are gaining leadership skills within their areas, forming opinions of where their area needs to develop as a result of their monitoring activities.
- The PVGs are working collaboratively in order to build a cross curricular approach to raising standards in their areas of learning.
- AoLE Leaders use the LPS Middle Leadership Booklet to measure their leadership impact and set personal targets.
- The LPS Middle Leadership Booklet is effective in developing leadership skills and further improving leadership capacity throughout LPS.
- AoLE Leaders have set up a new Web space area to share developments with the whole community and wider. This is beginning to build a bank of evidence and information for all stakeholders - demonstrating improved standards and provision throughout the school.
Spring Term Review:
- AoLE Leaders undertook their Spring Term Reviews across the whole school.
- They carried out monitoring activities with their Pupil Voice Groups and reported to the relevant link Governor.
- The impact of these activities can be clearly seen from the Spring Term reviews reported in the AoLE areas of the school website - please follow this link to view.
- These reviews support whole school self evaluation and feedback on progress towards the whole school SIP Targets.
- This demonstrates that leadership at all levels has made significant progress.
- This also demonstrates that communication on whole school development has made significant progress.
- There is a clear thread of consistency throughout all monitoring and leadership roles across the school from Governance to Pupil Voice.
Summer Term Review:
- Newly appointed AoLE Leaders have undertaken reviews of current provision and have provided LPS with an action plan to support the implementation the new curriculum.
- The new AoLE Website area has been set up and effectively communicates to the community and wider, the provision and developments within each AoLE.
- All AoLE Pupil Voice Groups support the school community to develop the area across LPS, through effective monitoring and review sessions held during review week.
- Some AoLE Leaders have set up parent workshops to inform and support on learning and the new curriculum. Further workshops will take place next year.
- Some AoLE Leaders have already attained quality marks for their areas – this has enhanced leadership capacity through the qualification process.
- The LPS Middle Leadership Booklet has been very effective in developing leadership skills and further improving leadership capacity throughout LPS.
- Governing Body are actively involved with the development and self-review process. This improves their knowledge and understanding of the SIP Target and enable them to challenge effectively. They are also fully informed of the curriculum reform within Wales and our school through termly presentations and meetings with AoLE Leaders and Pupil Voice Groups.
Our Next Steps:
- Further develop curriculum design through Leadership collaboration - designing new curriculum maps that interrelate through rich learning experiences. This will inform new policy and practice.
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