- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Basic Skills groups and Intervention groups have been established and embedded, ensuring additional support is provisioned for pupils as early as possible in the school year, using fully trained and skilled HTLA staff and supported by a newly appointed TA funded by the Accelerated Learning Grant.
The school has reinvested in and adopted new online tracking, screening and intervention support programmes such as; Wellcomm, Speech & Language Link, Thrive, Impulse, SNAP - Specific Learning Needs, SNAP – Behavioural, Boxall Profile Online, Rapid Reading, Fast Phonics, Reading Eggs/Eggspress and MyMaths.
School funded TA hours have been appointed in Lower KS2 to provide pastoral and intervention support for our vulnerable learners and to support those children who have
struggled with the return to school after school closure. This is already having a positive impact on pupil wellbeing and engagement with learning.
Pupils in receipt of a Statement, Additional Needs and Free School Meals have all demonstrated very good engagement and progress (Pre & Post Testing).
Miss Gaffney (ALNCo) has attended a variety of specific virtual training and deepened her already strong network groups across the cluster, and wider, enhancing her leadership within this area. Thus, ensuring that LPS is better placed to meet the needs of all learners.
Miss Gaffney has further enhanced her leadership by tailoring the staff development needs across the school to meet the needs of all learners by leading or organising training days for all staff during INSET sessions, keeping records of attendance on virtual training, providing networking opportunities for staff and organising training by carefully selecting external providers.
ALN Leader has developed her distributed leadership skills by providing staff, who have received training, with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by disseminating information and training others. This approach to training, has maximised the impact on the needs of all learners across the school. These opportunities were afforded to staff during the October 2020 INSET Week, with feedback being very positive.
LPS has reviewed and amended all relevant policies with regard to new ALN Legislation and have shared these to support neighbouring schools. The LA, Region and Welsh Government requested use of our Policies, documentation and procedures to share good practice during their training sessions in order to support schools on their journey for readiness to meet the needs of all learners, under the new ALN legislation.
ALN Leader has disseminated information of ALNET reform with all staff and governors in order to improve organisational understanding of changes to provision and
New ALN Information and Training area has been created for all members of the community to keep up to date on ALN reform and initiatives.
Next Steps:
ALN Leader to undertake further action research in order improve provision and embed new legislation within policy and practice.
Update and disseminate Intimate Care Policy and initiate delivery to provide support where required.
ALN Leader and SLT to devise a clear decision-making process regarding provisioning ALN support, with a clear expectation of what Universal Provision looks like at LPS.
Review IDP documentation with external agencies in readiness for delivery.
Undertake a review of the impact our various intervention groups have had on pupil learning and wellbeing, focusing on:
Basic Skills
Pastoral Support
School and School Action Plus interventions (with external agencies)
Application of staff training to meeting the needs of learners.
Improved online and physical resources to support delivery.