- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
1. About this policy
This policy sets out the performance management arrangements for the head teacher and teachers of Llangyfelach Primary School. It has been agreed by the governing body, headteacher and local authority and follows consultation with all staff members and recognised trade unions. It describes the purpose, procedures, roles and responsibilities that will ensure that the school’s performance management arrangements contribute to the professional development of its staff and to the achievement of wider development objectives for the school and its learners.
The policy will be reviewed annually and any necessary amendments will be the subject of further consultation with staff members.
The headteacher will provide the governing body with a report on the operation and effectiveness of this policy including the training and development needs arising from the performance management process.
This policy has been produced with due regard to the current appraisal regulations and accompanying guidance published by the Welsh Government. These can be found at:
This policy does not apply to:
newly qualified teachers (NQTs) undergoing their statutory period of induction who are exempted from performance management arrangements
teachers employed for a fixed period of less than one school term.
2. Principles underpinning performance management
The following principles will underpin our performance management arrangements.
Trust, confidentiality and professional dialogue between appraiser and appraisee.
Consistency so that all staff are treated fairly.
Recognition of strengths and a commitment to share effective practice.
A commitment to provide constructive feedback on performance.
Rigorous and evidence-based.
A shared commitment to meeting the school’s improvement plan and appropriate national priorities.
3. Professional standards
Teachers are required to meet the Practising Teacher Standards at the end of their induction period and must continue to meet them throughout their career. The headteacher is required to meet the Leadership Standards. Other practitioners may choose to use the Leadership Standards as a reference for their leadership development where this is identified as a priority for their professional development.
The professional standards should be considered as a whole to provide a backdrop to discussion and to help practitioners identify areas for further development.
The relevant professional standards can be found at:
4. Timing of the performance management cycle
The school’s annual performance management cycle will start September and be completed by July/September with two reviews in between.
The appraisal cycle has been timed to link with the school’s annual planning cycle.
5. Appointment of appraisers
The headteacher will appoint an appraiser for every teacher in the school.
The headteacher’s appraisal will be carried out by a panel consisting of:
at least two governors appointed by the governing body
one or two representatives appointed by the local authority.
6. The performance management plan
Performance management will be a continuous cycle throughout the year involving three stages of planning, monitoring performance and reviewing performance.
The appraiser(s) will meet with the teacher/headteacher at the start of the cycle to plan and prepare for the annual appraisal. This meeting may be combined with the review meeting held at the end of the previous cycle.
The meeting will seek to agree the following:
objectives for the cycle and professional development activities to support achievement of the objectives
the monitoring procedures including arrangements for observation of teaching on at least one occasion
any sources of information and data relevant to the objectives – these should include an up-to-date practice, review and development (PRD) record and data/information drawn from existing sources.
In the case of the headteacher’s performance plan only, the chair of the governing body will provide, on request, a copy of the headteacher’s objectives to Estyn.
The arrangements for monitoring performance against the objectives, including the use of observation, will be decided during the planning meeting and recorded by the appraiser(s).
The appraisee and appraiser(s) will keep progress under review throughout the cycle including the use of informal discussion as well as the more formal arrangements specified in the planning meeting. The PRD Record will provide a focus for these discussions.
7. The review meeting
At the end of the performance management cycle a formal review meeting will be held where the appraiser and appraisee will discuss achievements, any areas for improvement and professional development activities. This meeting may be combined with the planning meeting for the next annual cycle.
The purpose of the review meeting will be to:
assess the extent to which the appraisee has met their objectives
determine whether there has been successful overall performance in confirming the appraisee continues to meet the relevant professional standards
identify the need for additional support, training or development and how this will be met.
8. The appraisal review statement
Within ten school days of the review meeting the appraiser(s) will provide the appraisee with a written statement of the main points made at the review meeting and the conclusions reached. Annexed to the statement will be a summary of professional development needs and an indication of how these might be met.
The appraiser will seek to agree the final wording of the appraisal statement with the appraisee.
The appraisee may, within ten school days of receiving the final appraisal statement, add comments in writing. These comments will then form part of the statement.
Both the appraisal statement and the annex are confidential documents and must be kept in a secure place. The provisions of the Data Protection Act will be followed at all times.
9. Appeals
The appraisee may appeal against the appraisal statement within ten school days of receiving the appraisal statement. An appeals officer or, in the case of the headteacher, an appeals panel will be appointed to conduct a review.
All appeals will be conducted in accordance with the current Appraisal Regulations and the associated Welsh Government guidance.
In summary, the appeal process will involve the following stages.
Appraisee lodges appeal with the governing body.
Appeals officer/panel appointed.
Appeals officer/panel provided with copy of appraisal statement within five school days of receiving notice of appeal.
Appeal review will be carried out within ten school days of receiving appraisal statement.
The appeals officer/panel must take into account any representations made by the appraisee.
The appeals officer/panel may then decide that:
– the appraisal has been carried out satisfactorily
– with the agreement of the appraiser(s), amend the appraisal statement
– order that a new appraisal be carried out.
The appeals officer/panel can not determine that:
– new objectives can be set
– existing objectives be revised.
10. Use of appraisal statements
The appraiser must give a copy of the appraisal statement to the appraisee and to the headteacher. In turn, the headteacher will, on request, provide a copy to:
the appraiser
an appeals officer
any governors responsible for making decisions or giving advice on matters in relation to pay.
Where the appraisee is eligible for pay progression under the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) the appraiser will provide a recommendation on pay progression to the head teacher in line with provisions of the STPCD.
The headteacher will provide a copy of the annex to the appraisal statement detailing professional development needs to the person with whole-school responsibility for planning provision for training and development.
The appraisal statement will be kept by the headteacher in a safe and secure place until at least three years after the next appraisal statement has been finalised.
In the case of the headteacher’s performance management the appraisers will give copies of the appraisal statement to the headteacher, the chair of the governing body and the chief education officer. Appraisers will also, on request, provide a copy to any governors responsible for making decisions or giving advice on matters in relation to pay.
The chair of the governing body will also provide, on request, a copy of the head teacher’s appraisal statement to:
any officer designated by the chief education officer responsible for the performance of headteachers
any appeals officer
The chair of the governing body will provide a copy of the annex to the appraisal statement detailing professional development needs to the person with whole-school responsibility for planning provision for training and development.
The appraisal statement will be kept by the governing body in a safe and secure place until at least three years after the next appraisal statement has been finalised. The headteacher will also keep a copy of the appraisal statement for the same period of time.
Information from the headteacher’s appraisal statement may be taken into account by the governing body (or its committees) in matters relating to the promotion, discipline or dismissal of the headteacher or in relation to any discretion over pay.
Teaching Assistants and Support Staff
Llangyfelach Primary School is currently developing, trialing and reviewing a Performance Management strategy for all Teaching Assistants and Support staff, ensuring they receive equal opportunities for professional development and career development.
11. Managing underperformance
Effective line management arrangements, including the effective use of the procedures outlined in this policy, will help prevent underperformance through early identification, support and intervention.
The performance management procedures set out in this policy, including the review meeting and appraisal statement, do not form part of any disciplinary, competency or capability procedures. However, information from the appraisal statement can be taken into account when making decisions about performance, pay, promotion, dismissal, or disciplinary matters which may be triggered by other procedures.
This policy will be reviewed annually.
Previous Review Dates
October 2018
October 2019
July 2020
July 2021
May 2022
Agreed by:
Headteacher: Lee Burnell
Chair of Governors: Michelle Kidwell