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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Homework 17.09.21

Maths Homework:

We have been practicing counting up to 20 and backwards from 10 to 0. Can you practice writing numbers 0-10 in your homework books? 


Literacy homework:

Geoff the Giraffe has been helping us with our sounds. This week we have been learning the sounds 't' and 'p'. Can you practicing writing these sounds in your homework book? Remember to keep your letters on the line? Can you think of words beginning with these sounds?


Literacy homework:

Homework has been set on reading eggs. To access all phonics and reading homework please click here. If you have any problems logging on please let me know.

Each week you can access:

  • a spelling lesson- click on reading eggs
  • a reading book(s) from the online library- click on library
  • a reading lesson- click on reading eggs


We are practicing our sounds in class. Watch the jolly phonics song and sing along at home. I have included the characters from our reading books to learn at home.

Meet the characters!

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392