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Play, Learn and Grow Together


This week we have been learning about eggs. To find out more information, the children watched a story about What comes from an egg?  They enjoyed sorting animals that grow from an egg.

The children enjoyed listening to a story called How Do Seeds Travel? They used their magnifying glasses to explore dandelions and their seeds. They had fun watching how their seeds travel in the wind.

The children enjoyed panting so much, we decided to grow cress. We put on pot in the dark and the other pot we gave water and light. The children made predictions of what might happen. They think the cress will grow big and strong, when given water and light. We will record the growth of the cress over the next couple of days. 


The children discovered that the cress needs water and light to help it grow.

Sequencing the life cycle of a sunflower.

The children enjoyed watching the life cycle of a plant, they then used their magnifying glasses to explore the different parts of the plant in class. They looked closely at the roots, leaves and stem. The children were excited to have found a flower growing.  


Still image for this video

We are learning to label the parts of a plant. 

We have been learning about the life cycle of a frog.

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392