- November 2024 Newsletter 8th November 2024
- October 2024 Newsletter 4th October 2024
- September 2024 Newsletter 5th September 2024
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
Welcome to Year 4! My name is Mr Parker and I am really looking forward to working with you and your children this year.
Our first topic this year is called Wales, Wars and Weddings. In this topic we will be learning about the Tudors and the Stuarts.
This term we will have PE session every Thursday. Please can all children wear their PE kit to school on our allotted day. These PE kits must be suitable for outdoor lessons, as all PE lessons will take place outdoors until further notice. Earrings must be removed for lessons. If your child is unable to do this by themselves, please could they not wear them on PE day.
Please ensure that the children bring their reading records and reading books into school each day as there are daily timetabled sessions for reading. The children will be given a reading day where they will be listened to by an adult. This may vary however on occasion and it is therefore important that children bring in their books every day. If your child finishes their reading book before their allocated reading day, they can see me to change their book.
Weekly spelling homework will be set on Friday on the Reading Eggspress platform. There will also be weekly numeracy homework set on MyMaths. Any issues, please don’t hesitate to ask. Passwords for these platforms will be sent out to you.
Just a reminder that no equipment, including pencil cases, are to be brought into school. We will provide everything that your child needs to participate in lessons.
Dietary Requirements
In order to maintain up-to-date records, please could you inform me or the school of any medication, dietary or allergies your child may have.
Keep an eye on our class page on the school website for regular updates, photos and information. I hope this letter answers any questions you may have, but please feel free to contact me if there is anything else you would like to know.
Thank you for your support,
Mr Parker