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Estyn Inspections in Primary School

Estyn is responsible for inspecting a wide range of education and training provision in Wales, and will be inspecting Llangyfelach Primary School from Tuesday 3rd May to Friday 6th May 2022. You will be asked to complete a Parent Questionnaire for Estyn and are invited to attend a parent meeting with the inspection team, at the school, on Tuesday 3rd May at 3:30pm.


How do inspectors take account of my views of the school?

Estyn wants to know your views on the school. You can do this by:

  • completing an online questionnaire via the direct link or QR code provided by the school. The questionnaire is the easiest way of making inspectors aware of your views.
  • attending a meeting with inspectors. The school will inform you of the date and time.


How will an inspection benefit my child?

An inspection tells you about the standards and quality at your child’s school. It gives the school an expert view on its work, outlining what it does well and helps it to improve.


Who inspects the school?

The inspection team is led by a Reporting Inspector who has considerable experience of teaching and education. Each inspection team also includes a lay inspector and a peer inspector. Lay inspectors have not worked as teachers in a school, while peer inspectors are headteachers or managers from another school. Each school may nominate someone to liaise directly with the inspection team to keep the inspectors informed about the school and its work.


How will the school be inspected?

Inspectors follow the guidance set out in these two documents: What We Inspect; How We Inspect


How will inspectors take account of my child’s view of the school?

During the inspection, inspectors will ask groups of children how they feel about the school, their work and how well they are getting on. All learners in key stage 2 and above will have the opportunity to complete an online questionnaire before the inspection.


How will I know the inspectors’ views on the school?

Inspection reports are published on the Estyn website 45 working days after the start of the inspection. The governing body will also send you details of the report.


What will be included within the report?

The report will have overall evaluations on:

  • learning, wellbeing and attitudes to learning
  • teaching and learning experiences
  • care, support and guidance
  • leadership and management


What happens after an inspection?

All schools must produce an action plan based on the recommendations in the inspection report.

The inspection team will consider and report whether the school requires any follow-up activity. The three types of follow-up activity are:


Special measures: this is the most intensive level of statutory follow-up. It involves a small team of Estyn inspectors making regular visits to review the school’s progress following the publication of the inspection report

Significant improvement: involves a small team of Estyn inspectors visiting the school to monitor progress about 12-18 months after the publication of the inspection report

Estyn review: this is the lightest touch of follow-up, as it is not statutory. It involves reviewing the progress the school has made towards addressing the recommendations highlighted in the report about 12-18 months after the publication of the inspection report


Explaining Estyn Inspection to Younger Learners:

Estyn have created animations to share with pupils to tell them about inspection and how we consider their views as part of the inspection process.  These will be used in school in the lead up to the inspection.

All about inspection: 


How can I contact Estyn?


Tel: 02920 446446

Feedback about inspections:



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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392