- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Collection of Views:
As a service we regularly as for opinions and feedback from parents and staff. The main way in which in which we collect this data is by sending out questionnaires annually for both staff and parents to fill in.
Also, throughout the year, if a staff member has any feedback or suggestions for improvement they can come to management and express their views and opinions. Additionally, if any parents pass comment about anything they are not pleased with, we will do our best to resolve the problem issue that they may have. In addition to this, throughout the year we also ask the children if there is anything in particular that they would like to do and then implement it into the planning as best we can.
Stakeholder Feedback:
In the most recent questionnaires that we sent out, we had responses from both parents and staff members. We sent out the questionnaires to all parents and staff within the service and had a positive number of responses.
Regarding the Parents questionnaire that we sent out, we had 20 responses from parents whose children use all of the sessions within the service. With the questionnaire that was sent out to staff, we had 7 responses which included staff who work in all sessions throughout the day.
Summary of Responses:
When reviewing the responses to questionnaire, it was clear to us that the majority of the views from both staff and parents we positive.
95% of the parents were happy with the quality of care provided at LPS Wraparound and 90% of them agreed with the fact that their child enjoys attending the activities and clubs within the service. One parent stated that their child loves the "calm and supportive environment provided" and another parent stated that their child "loves the teachers and the activities he does with his friends. 90% of parents feel that their children’s voices and their voices are heard within the service. One parents stated within their response that “communication is excellent" and another said that "staff are very helpful".
95% of parents answered yes to whether or not the service promotes good health and wellbeing for all. One parent commented on this question saying their child “has developed beautifully since attending the school including Wraparound, he has developed in all areas especially confidence”. Another positive comment from a parent is "it provides my child with opportunities to develop these key learning areas and promotes parents well-being to be able to work knowing that your child is well cared for, having lots of learning opportunities and enjoying themselves as well".
Overall, all parents say that Wraparound is helpful to their work life balance and family needs, and 95% agree that the Wraparound service provides value for money. Another question that had a high positive response to (90%) was about their child enjoying the clubs that are provided within the Wraparound service. One parent when asked about what their child finds most enjoyable went on to say that their child enjoys “cooking, football and playing with friends”. Another parent answered that question with “making food in cooking club and lego”.
Response to Feedback:
When we have sent the questionnaires out in the past, we have taken on board the feedback from the parents, and we have implemented changes within the service based on the responses. We are also considering adaptions to the service based on the most recent questionnaire that was sent out.
An example of one of the changes that we have implemented would be from the questionnaires that we sent out last year, the parents commented that they felt it would be easier with an online booking system rather than paper based. We took this on board and developed a system that allowed them to book their sessions online, rather than them coming into the office with their booking form. This is an adaption to the service that we see as a great success as one parent commented “the way of applying has improved by the online form filling”.
An example of something that we are in the process of changing would be in relation to the planning of the afterschool activities. This would involve us having more structured planning and with regards to the arts and crafts club, having the children working on different stages of something each week and having an end goal of a finished product by the end of each half term. We are hoping this will be more fun and engaging for the children with them having something to look forward to and take home at the end of the half term. We will take a bank of ideas from the children of what they would like to do and create and we will then work our way through them during the year.
These systems enable us to evolve and develop our service by listening to the views of our community.