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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Assessment for Learning


At Llangyfelach Primary School we believe effective assessment is at the heart of improving learning and teaching. It provides the basis of informed teaching, helping pupils to overcome difficulties and ensuring that teaching builds upon what has been learned. It is also the means by which pupils understand what they have achieved and what they need to work on. 


Aims and Objectives

  • To improve the quality of learning and teaching

  • To raise the standards of achievement throughout the school

  • To enable the active involvement of pupils in their learning and self- assessment in order to improve their work

  • To enable our pupils to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do in their work

  • To involve pupils in their learning by sharing Learning Objectives and setting Success Criteria

  • To ensure teachers and pupils model the learning strategies, attributes, skills and standards so that collaboratively pupils learn to evaluate and improve

  • To build in Reflection Time in order to encourage pupils to develop self and peer evaluative skills 

  • To enable our pupils to become independent learners who are excited by challenge

  • To allow teachers to plan work that accurately reflects the needs of each pupil

  • To provide regular information for parents that enables them to support their children’s learning


AfL at LPS

  • Teachers will ensure clear learning objectives for every learning activity and success Criteria where appropriate 

  • Activities will be matched to the learning objective and success criteria. 

  • Short term plans will include differentiation and assessment that affects next steps to inform future planning


Success Criteria

Purpose of success criteria: 

  • To state what teachers and pupils are looking for 

  • To model successful outcomes 

  • To devise questions 

  • To use to give feedback 

  • To train children to evaluate, improve and advise

  • To celebrate success and raise self-esteem


Effective Strategies

  • Discussions between teachers, learners and peers

  • Discussion prompts in FP (Mr Men strategy) and discussion/writing prompts KS2

  • Teacher verbal and written feedback 

  • Talk partners

  • Identifying successful outcomes

  • Evaluating self and peer work

  • Feedback to improve self and peer work

  • Working / Learning walls 



Feedback is given by teachers, teaching assistants, peers and through self-evaluation activities (see Marking Policy, Assessment Policy).


Purpose of feedback:

  • To identify children’s conceptions or misconceptions

  • To provide children with verbal or written dialogue to celebrate success and inform next steps (2 stars and a wish strategy)

    • This has to be acted upon within a plan-teach-assess cycle

    • It is advised that this strategy is used in the drafting and editing process to allow for actionable impact on learning.

  • To provide immediate dialogue that is used to inform the children’s learning and the teachers’ planning

  • It is understood by the children and supports their learning


Effective Strategies

  • Verbal feedback (see Marking Policy)

  • Written feedback using codes (see Marking Policy)

  • Pupil use of marking codes symbols (age appropriate)

  • Modelling the process of peer feedback

  • Talk partners

  • Provide children with Reflection Time to make improvements

  • Further strategies and details can be found in the AfL Booklet (LPS Tools).



Strengths and areas for improvement which are identified through the AfL processes inform feedback given by staff at parents’ evenings (Autumn and Spring term). They inform parents of: -

  • Their child’s strengths and achievements.

  • Areas of development and improvement.

  • How parents can help.


It is important to acknowledge that this policy informs all subject policies within which further detail on assessment procedures can be found.


This policy will be reviewed when required.

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392