- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
It is time to say goodbye
The school year is at an end
I hope you've had lots of fun
And count me as a friend
I have watched you learn and grow
And change from day to day
I hope all the the things we've done
Have helped you along the way
It's with happy memories
I send you out the door
With blessing from good things
That next year holds in store
Love from,
Mrs Harris-Griffiths, Mrs Phillip and Mrs Stabler
Creating patterns, writing beginning sound of your name and writing your name
Mark-making is one of the key building blocks in developing early writing. The children will enjoy experimenting with lots of different materials for making marks. They are likely to enjoy using tools such as brushes, stampers and sponges to create patterns and shapes.
The home work this week is to practice writing your name independently or with a little help from your family. It would be lovely if you could show me how to write your name creatively in a fun way. Here are some examples below. Can you practice recognising the sounds of your name, so we can play a game back at school. Please email me your photos by Friday 14th May. I am looking forward in seeing your lovely work.
Email- Harr-GrifS@hwbcymru.net
Trace rainbow letters
Trace over highlighter
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Harris-Griffiths
Our topic this term is called 'Ready Steady Grow'. I would like you to email me two separate photos, one of your child as a baby as well as a recent one of themselves now, by Tuesday 20th April.
We are going to play 'Guess Who' and look at how we have changed over time! Please note this is entirely optional.
I am looking forward to seeing your lovely photos.
Email- Harr-GrifS@hwbcymru.net
Many Thanks,
Mrs Harris-Griffiths
Next week World Book Day is on March 4th. To celebrate this, share a bedtime story with your family and your favourite teddy! If you would like to email me a photo of your favourite story, please send it to
Many Thanks,
Mrs Harris-Griffiths
Our topic this term is called, Is it shiny? We have been learning about sources of light indoor and outside as well as going on a shiny hunt. I would like your child to create their very own sparkly and shiny telescope to go on a hunt looking for different sources of light or something shiny around the house or outside. You can use the instruction cards below to help make your lovely telescope. If you would like to email me their photos by Tuesday 17th November, I can share their fabulous creations to their friends in class. I am looking forward to see the children's lovely telescopes. Please note this is entirely optional.
Email- Harr-GrifS@hwbcymru.net
Many Thanks,
Mrs Harris-Griffiths
Instructions to help make your fantastic telescope.
Our topic this term is about dinosaurs. We are going to be learning about fossils. We would like your child to make some play dough following the recipe below and create a dinosaur fossil of their own. The children can make some dinosaur footprints or a print of their chosen dinosaur. If you would like to email me their photos by 5th October I can share their fabulous creations to their friends in class. I am looking forward to see the children's lovely fossils. Please note this is entirely optional.
Email- Harr-GrifS@hwbcymru.net
Task: Make play dough following the play dough recipe.
Many Thanks,
Mrs Harris-Griffiths