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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Spring Term


During review week, the AoLE Leader and PVG carried out monitoring activities and we identified the following strengths.

  • The AoLE Leader discussed with both learners and parents the impact of the work our Emotional Health & Wellbeing Practitioner has had on our school and the community. All learners who have worked with the Practitioner have felt more confident when articulating their emotions and using their own strategies on how to deal with challenging situations. These carefully planned and nurturing sessions are designed to provide learners with strategies to face and overcome challenge, as well as giving learners the chance to explore their different emotions, improving their emotional health and wellbeing. Feedback from parents who attended the parent workshop was also very positive. Attending the workshops has given our parents in the community a deeper understanding of how to support children and young people to develop their resilience, confidence and empathy.
  • The Happy Healthy Helpers and AoLE Leader discussed with learners the input of Good Thymes Gardening. Good Thymes Gardening has provided a number of learners with wellbeing sessions through gardening. Through conversations with learners, we found that all learners enjoyed being part of the sessions and being out in the fresh air. Year 2 children particularly enjoyed using all of their senses during the sessions and planting seeds to take home and look after. This has given our learners a sense of responsibility from caring for the plants, and a real sense of achievement.
  • The Happy Healthy Helpers enjoyed being part of the planning for Children’s Mental Health Week. All activities were a success and allowed learners to explore their emotions, share their feelings and thoughts, and ideas on how we can support one another.  

    Our next steps are
  • The Happy Healthy Helpers and the AoLE Leader will continue to review the new LPS Curriculum Projects to ensure progression and coverage of the Health and Wellbeing Statements of what matter. To ensure that there are opportunities for self- determined learning and to ensure that the Rights of the Child are incorporated across both phases. 
  • To reintroduce our Pupil Drop in, Turn Your Frown Upside Down. 
  • To continue to work collaboratively with the Eco Warriors towards the Silver Rights Respecting School Award.

Physical Education


During this Spring term review week, the AoLE Leader monitored Physical Education at LPS by listening to learners and speaking to staff.


The AoLE Leader identified the following strengths in Physical Education at LPS:


There has been continued success with local community links as our partnership with Swansea A.F.C and Mr Humphries have provided pupils with rich learning experiences.


KS2 pupils have had or will have the opportunity to attend swimming sessions which has provided the pupils with experience of an invaluable life skill.


Nearly all pupils have engaged well in and enjoyed their physical education sessions and demonstrated a good understanding of how to be successful in their learning.


Nearly all pupils questioned explained how they have experienced a wide range of sports and activities this year. For instance, swimming, football and rugby.


The AoLE Leader has developed a continuum of PE skills for each year group to ensure clear progression of skills and to incorporate the What Matter Statements.


Our next steps are:

To implement the new continuum of PE skills for each year group which will ensure clear progression of skills and incorporates the What Matter Statements.


The Fitness Fanatics and AoLE Leader to continue to work together to review new projects throughout the school to ensure progression and coverage of the Health and Wellbeing What Matters Statements.


To monitor the new PE continuum and continue to review its implementation.

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392