- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Too much exposure to ultraviolet light (UV) radiation from the sun causes sunburn, skin damage and increases the risk of skin cancer. Sun exposure in the first 15 years of life contributes significantly to the lifetime risk of skin cancer. There is enormous potential for schools to help prevent skin cancer in future generations. Schools are central to protecting children’s skin this is because:
Most damage due to sun exposure occurs during the school years.
Schools can play a significant role in changing behaviours through role modelling and education.
Students and teachers are at risk of sunburn within 10-15 minutes of being exposed to strong sunlight.
Students spend an average of 1.5 hours outside per school day, more if involved in sports and outdoor activities.
Skin cancer is largely preventable through behaviour modification and sun protection during early years.
The main elements of this policy are:
Partnership: working with parents/carers, governors, our school nurse and the wider community to reinforce awareness about sun safety and promote a healthy school.
Education: learning about sun safety to increase knowledge and influence behaviour.
Protection: providing an environment that enables pupils and staff to stay safe in the sun.
Ensuring all staff are actively informed of the requirements and are involved in the implementation of this policy is crucial to ensure successful outcomes.
UV exposure is not just a safeguarding issue for children, but for all members of our school community. Therefore, sun safety will be promoted through working with parents, governors and the wider community to improve our understanding and provision to avoid the harmful effects of too much exposure to ultraviolet light (UV).
Staff should act as positive role models and set a good example by seeking out the shade whenever possible and wearing suitable clothing, hat and sunscreen.
In anticipation of warm and sunny weather, LPS will communicate advice to the community via push notifications and newsletters.
We will advise parents that all children should attend school with pre-applied sunscreen (minimum SPF 30, 4 star UVA).
Annually a special assembly will be dedicated to ‘Sun Safety’. This will emphasise the 5 S’s of Sun Safety - SLIP SLOP SLAP:
At appropriate times during the year children will be reminded through our assemblies about ‘How to be Sun Safe’ to embed key messages and positive behaviours.
The curriculum for all year groups will include aspects of ‘Sun Safety’ annually.
Parents and Guardians will be asked through letters/newsletters to support this policy by encouraging their children to adopt the Slip, Slop, Slap message and act as role models.
Sun safe resources and activities will be available to all members of the community on the school website.
Children will be encouraged to use the shaded areas of the school during playtimes.
From Summer 2022 LPS will be applying for the Sun Safe Schools Accreditation and use the educational resources available from Skcin: The Sun Safe Schools Programme:
The school playground has shade provided either by the school building, outdoor shelter(s), trees and/or we have temporary structures i.e. gazebos, etc for use on sports days and other outdoor events. We will encourage children to play in the shade as much as possible when UV levels are high.
Children will be encouraged to use the shaded areas of the school during playtimes when appropriate. Our Happy Healthy Helpers Pupil Voice Group will monitor this during playtimes.
We will conduct shade assessments to consider future needs and are committed to improving shade solutions where necessary.
We will monitor and limit the time children spend outdoors when UV levels are high, particularly during the peak UV hours of 11am and 3pm.
We will send out notifications to parents reminding them to ensure their children are equipped with appropriate clothing to provide an effective barrier from the sun.
The children will be encouraged to wear clothes that provide good sun protection.
The children will supply themselves with sun hats to protect their face, ears and back of their neck.
We will make available additional hats for outdoor activities in the event of a child losing or forgetting their own.
We will ensure pupils wear school and PE uniform that keep shoulders covered.
In anticipation of warm and sunny weather, LPS will communicate advice to the community via push notifications and newsletters.
We will advise parents that all children should attend school with pre-applied sunscreen (minimum SPF 30, 4 star UVA).
Sunscreen is available in every classroom and re-application will take place throughout the day with using a minimum of SPF 30, 4 star UVA. Our Happy Healthy Helpers Pupil Voice Group will monitor this.
Each pupil will apply sunscreen themselves when appropriate, for use on or off site, for any prolonged outdoor school related activities.
Staff in early years will support application of sunscreen for our younger learners where required and appropriate.
If parents/carers would like to withdraw from this facility and/or provide their own sunscreen, please inform the main office or class teacher.
If a child has a particular skin condition or any allergies, that would impede this policy, we would ask parents and carers to contact the school office or class teacher.
Drinking Water:
Children are encouraged to increase their water intake in hot weather and are encouraged to drink water during break times and lunch times. Every child should bring a water bottle to school every day.
Our HHH PVG group will encourage their peers to drink water regularly during exercise and when outdoors during high UV levels.
This policy will be reviewed when required