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Play, Learn and Grow Together


Home Learning tasks for the week.

Maths: Make a symmetrical butterfly.

Fold a sheet of paper in half. Open the paper and only pour different coloured drops of paint onto one half of the paper. Fold the paper carefully together and use your finger tips to spread the paint into the middle and in different directions. Pull the paper apart and you have made a beautiful symmetrical butterfly. Talk with you children about what colours you might have created and how they were made. Ask your child how do you know it is symmetrical. How can you butterfly move?

Giglets: Book - Eating Fruit

Task-Discuss with your child about their favourite fruit and why. Can you together make a fruit kebab. Can you make a pattern of two or three coloured fruits on a straw or line the fruit pattern on a plate. You could turn your fruit kebab into a caterpillar.


Please complete the assigned- Character interview



Phonics: Write your beginning sound of your name or full name in coloured salt.


Write your child's name on paper or use letter magnets to copy. Can your child recognise the sounds in their name? 


How to make coloured salt.

Pour a bag of salt into a bowl

Pour a small bottle of food colouring into the bowl (any colour)

Stir and leave to dry on a baking tray for a little while

Leave the salt on the baking tray for you to use.

Use your finger or a paintbrush to write the letter sounds of your name


Topic Work: Read the story The Hungry Caterpillar.

Here are Some activities related to the story.


Can you together create a life cycle of a butterfly. 

Draw a  circle shape on paper or cardboard.

Stick or draw an egg picture at the top. Leave a gap to draw an arrow to the next stage of development. Here are some examples below.

The four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. 1. egg- pom pom.  2. caterpillar- pasta swirl.  3. Cocoon- draw.  4. Butterfly- butterfly pasta. 

Together, talk about the life cycle. What grows from the egg? How long does the caterpillar stay in the cocoon? Label the life cycle using the words above. Or write the beginning sound for each picture. Talk with your child about, what day did the caterpillar eat the oranges? How many apples did the caterpillar eat? What healthy and unhealthy food did the caterpillar eat?


Sequencing story picture cards.

Use the cards in the document below. Can you Re-tell the story in your own way using the pictures? Or use the book to retell the story.





Easter: Some fun activities for your children

Egg rolling

Stick an Easter picture template in a cardboard box. Pour paint all around the box. Put some eggs into the box. Pick up the box up  and move it in different directions to roll the eggs in the paint. 


Egg rolling race with the family

Make a ramp using cardboard. Make a pattern on your egg or colour to find out who's egg rolled the furthest. Place your egg at the top of the ramp, using one finger to hold the egg. Roll your egg!. 

Ask your child to count how far your eggs have rolled. Use your feet to count  from the ramp to the egg. Who's egg rolled the furthest?


Decorate an Easter egg

Clip pegs to cotton wool balls or use ear buds

Dip into paint

Make a pattern of your choice. Lines, zigzags, spots on the template





I am looking forward to see your fabulous photos this week.
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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392