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Play, Learn and Grow Together

LPSW Admissions & Attendance

It is the policy of Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound to welcome all children and families who, in line with our statement of purpose, may want to attend.  


We do this by:

  • Accepting applications from families for their children regardless of gender, culture, religion or disability.

  • Taking account of the Equality Act 2010.

  • Making sure that advertisements for Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound are accessible, reflect the needs of the community and are displayed in the local community and the local authority Families Information Service.

  • Arranging a number of ‘open sessions’ throughout the year so that families can visit and see for themselves how we work.

  • Welcoming parents/carers who want to be actively involved in the running of Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound (see parental involvement policy).

  • Implementing an effective settling in policy and procedure. 


Prices & Fees:

Please see our charges here.


Allocation of places: 

Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound allocates places fairly in the following way: 

  • While available places exist they are allocated on a first come first served basis

    • Next priority is given to parents/carers whose child has a sibling already attending. 

    • Next priority is given to parents/carers who need a place for all sessions offered.

  • If, in exceptional circumstances, Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound is not able to admit a child we will provide a written statement of the reasons and information about how any appeal against the decision can be made.


Starting in Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound:

  • Parents/carers complete and sign the contract and registration form and confirm they have read and understood the policies and procedures and agree to the terms and conditions before their child attends.

  • Parents/carers agree to inform Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound of any changes to information they have provided.

  • Parents/carers give one month’s to terminate their contract with Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound


Settling in policy: 

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound acknowledges the importance of parents/carers and staff working together to help children settle in the provision and develop confidence to participate in all the activities offered. Some children take longer than others to do this and Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound responds to their needs on an individual basis. 

  • To help children settle quickly and feel comfortable and confident in their new surroundings parents/carers are advised to dress their child in clothes that are suitable for messy play and help their child towards independence (for example, toileting). 

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound keeps spare clothes available for use in the event of an accident, but parents/carers may want to provide a change of clothes for their own child.

  • Parents/carers and their child are invited to meet Lynda Phillips before registering so that their needs and requirements can be discussed.

  • Parents/carers are welcome to stay with their child for the whole or part of sessions until they and their child feel confident.

  • Children may bring their comfort objects with them until they feel confident about being without them.

  • Parents/carers are encouraged to discuss the settling in process for their child with (person in charge/named person) at any time.


Arrival and Collection Policy (including arrangements for non-collection): 

  • Parents/carers can be confident that Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound places the highest priority on their child’s safety and wellbeing while in our care.

  • Parents/carers are responsible for informing Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound of any changes to details of named persons who can collect their child, in writing and verbally.

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound does not accept children who are unwell at the time of arrival (see also health and hygiene policy).


Arrival at the Provision:

Children who arrive by taxi: the booking and payment of transport by a taxi is the responsibility of parents/carers as a private arrangement between the parents/carers and the transport provider. Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound advises parents/carers to make their own checks with the transport company and insist that proof of identity should be carried by drivers and produced on request. Parents/carers are also advised to insist that Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and where relevant checks by the Independent Safeguarding Authority are made on the taxi drivers involved.   

  • Parents/carers are advised that by signing the contract and registration form they agree to inform Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound of any planned or unplanned absences.  

  • The attendance register is updated as each child arrives and leaves.


Collection from Provision:

If any of the following happens on more than one occasion, a discussion with the parent/carer is arranged:

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound may charge an additional fee each time a parent/carer fails to collect their child at the agreed time.

  • No child is left unattended because a parent/carer fails to collect them and two members of staff remain to supervise the child. 

  • Every effort is made to contact the parent/carer or emergency contacts.

  • A child is not released into the care of any person without the written permission of the parent/carer. However, in an emergency situation, a telephone call from the parent/carer stating that another adult will collect the child may be accepted provided that an accurate description of the adult is given and that the adult can give proof of their identity on arrival.

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound reserves the right to make additional checks on persons arriving to collect a child if considered appropriate in exceptional circumstances.

  • If all attempts to contact relevant adults fail, the Social Services duty officer is contacted who will be asked to advise what action to take. The registered person/responsible individual is informed.

  • If at any time when a child is collected there are concerns that to hand over the child may be placing them at some risk, the member of staff seeks advice from a manager/designated child protection officer who will speak to the parent/carer, and do what is reasonable in the circumstances to safeguard the child’s welfare. In certain circumstances, the manager/designated child protection officer may advise the parent/carer that following handover, they will call the social services duty officer or police or relevant agency, and that the Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s child protection policy may be put into action. A record of the circumstances is made.

  • A record of events when a child is not collected on time is kept. This records the date, time of collection, the name and address of any non-authorised person collecting the child, and any additional relevant information. A copy is given to the parents/carers.


Lost or Missing Policy:

This policy supports the outings policy and will be implemented in the event that a child becomes lost during an outing or while care is being provided by Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound.

It is the policy of Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound to protect children while they are with us and ensure they always leave our care with authorised persons.


We do this by:

  • Operating a system that ensures security of the premises, allowing only appropriate access and egress.

  • Maintaining a register of children’s attendance (including start and finish times).

  • Operating a system of frequent head counts by staff.

  • Maintaining a working telephone with lists of contact numbers available and accessible.

  • Carrying out risk assessments of the premises and activities that are regular and in response to need.

  • Implementing an effective arrivals and collections policy.


In the event that a child is missed:

  • A senior staff member is immediately alerted.

  • Enquiries are made as to when the child was last seen, and where.

  • The safety and security of children present is maintained and at least one adult remains with these children who are supported and kept occupied appropriately.

  • An immediate search of the premises, any outside space and the immediate vicinity is carried out by as many members of staff available without placing themselves and remaining children at risk.

  • If the child is not found the police (who will advise about next steps to take) and parent/carer are called immediately.

  • The search (if in line with police advice) continues, widening the search area, and adults keep in touch by mobile phone.

  • After the event an incident form is completed immediately, describing exactly what happened. All the staff present, the child’s parent/carer and the police should read and sign it and all records are filed in accordance with the health and safety legislation of the Local Authority.

  • Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) is informed on the same day of the incident.

  • Once the situation has been resolved Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound will review the reasons for it happening and take any action necessary to prevent it from happening again.

  • The parent/carer receives a copy of the results of the review.

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s insurance company is notified.


This Admissions and Attendance policy and procedure was passed for use in Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound.


Next Review Date:  

September 2025

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392