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LPSW Operational Plan


Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s operational plan supports and underpins our statement of purpose. It describes how we organise our resources to operate flexibly and effectively and our approach to improving the quality of care we provide. Any changes to the operational plan will be reflected in the statement of purpose. 


Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s aims are described in our statement of purpose. 


Security of the premises is maintained by operating a:

  • CCTV system
  • Keypad system
  • One door entry
  • Fenced boundary


Organisational Structure 

Premises Address & Contact Details:

Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound

Llangyfelach Primary School

Pengors Road,




Telephone: 01792 771497



Legal status: 

Age range of children cared for and type of care:

Term Time Full Day Care 

Operational times:

Breakfast Club          7:30am – 8:45am

Day Care (3-5)          8:30am – 5:30pm

After School Club      3:00pm – 5:30pm


Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound implements policies and procedures that ensure the smooth operation of the provision. The policies and procedures are developed and maintained in line with and/or exceed the national minimum standards and regulations. They are reviewed regularly (at least annually) and updated as necessary. The policy pack is available for all who visit, work in or use Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound to see.


Staffing Roles and Responsibilities:

Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound:

  • Recruits, vets and employs staff in line with regulatory requirements.
  • Maintains or exceeds legal qualification levels.
  • Develops and maintains staff training plans and the continual professional development plans reflect our commitment to continuous improvement. 
  • Please refer to our recruitment policy and procedure
  • Staff meetings are held monthly and records are kept of decisions made, which contribute to our on-going improvement plans.
  • A bank of relief staff are available to be called in at short notice to provide staff cover for unplanned absences.


Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound:

  • Maintains or exceeds legal staff to children ratios at all times. 
  • One adult to 8 children aged 3 - 7 years. 
  • One adult to 10 children aged 8 – 12 years.
  • These ratios include any children of staff or volunteers and apply to any activity including escorting and transporting children.
  • Regular volunteers will be taken into account in the normal staffing ratios, providing they have knowledge of the minimum standards for childcare.
  • When less than 20 children are registered, there is no expectation for the manager to be supernumerary and therefore, the manager may be included in the adult to child ratio calculations. 
  • Maintains a key worker system.
  • Keeps a consistent but flexible staffing routine to enable positive relationships between staff and children to develop.
  • Ensures relevant information is shared routinely with parents/carers about their child. (See also: confidentiality policy).


Specific Roles & Responsibilities:

Child Protection Officer – Lee Burnell

Complaints Officer – Lee Burnell

Behaviour Management Officer – Jessica Thomas

Premises Maintenance – Lee Burnell

ALN Leader – Jessica Thomas

Safety Co-ordinator/Officer – Jessica Thomas


Named first aiders in our Daycare Service:

  • Jessica Thomas
  • Elizabeth Kinsey


Named first aiders in our Breakfast and After School Club Service:

  • Jessica Thomas
  • Elizabeth Kinsey 
  • Claire Howells
  • Lisa Johns
  • Jodie Evans


Staffing Organisational Structure

  • Responsible Person = Lee Burnell
  • Person in Charge = Jessica Thomas


  • Bookings, Advertising & Support = Lynda Phillips

  • Business & Administration = Heather Akerman


  • Day Care Assistant = Elizabeth Kinsey
  • Day Care Assistant = Katrina Ellsmore


  • Breakfast & After School Club Leaders:
    • Claire Howells
    • Lisa Johns
    • Elizabeth Kinsey 
    • Jodie Evans


  • Breakfast & After School Club Assistants:
    • Katrina Ellsmore


Quality of Care Review & Action Plans

Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound is committed to making improvements to the quality of care we provide. We do this by:

  • Undertaking an annual review of our operational practice and management systems.
  • Involving staff, parents/carers and children in the review as appropriate. 
  • Reporting on the outcomes of the review. 
  • Sharing the report of the outcomes with those who contributed to the review.
  • Developing action plans from the reports that are monitored for timely implementation.  
  • Undertaking a quality assurance. 
  • Applying a reflective approach to all our work and including what we learn in our staff team meetings, which in turn contributes to the overall review of care.


Next Review Date:  

September 2024

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392