- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
During our Summer Term LPS Review week, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLe leader undertook workbook scrutiny and listening to learners activities.
We identified the following strengths that related to our Action Plan:
• An effective PVG group has been established. Most members of the group now have a better knowledge and understanding of the Humanities area of learning. This has been through a collaborative approach to leading and monitoring of the area of learning. An example of this is where members of the group have undertaken questionnaires in each class in order to gain a better understanding of what needs improving in the area of learning.
• As a result of the Humanities PVG group working closely alongside with the Health & Well-being PVG Most children at LPS now have a greater understanding of the rights of the child and have a better awareness of what it means to be a rights respecting school. Through whole assemblies and activities we have been able to achieve the Bronze Award for The Rights Respecting Schools Award.
• In nearly all classes the profile of RE has been raised, through effective planning using Cornerstone topics and use of topic based resources. The standard of RE has significantly improved this year and the children are now being given many opportunities to learn and explore a variety of religions through different activities. By looking at pupil workbooks it is evident that the lessons are being pitched to the correct level and the expectations of the children are high throughout all classes.
Our next steps are:
• Further improve and develop Humanities through a wider range of learning experiences.
• Add ESDGC Strands to Cornerstone Map and to monitor ESDGC coverage and progression across the school.
• To develop ways to encourage the use of ICT within the AoLe.