Health & Well-being:
During our review week activities, members of the PVG and the AoLe Leader undertook workbook and webpage scrutiny and listening to learners activities. Additionally, the AoLe Leader reviewed standards and progress of the new LPS Curriculum projects.
We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan;
- AoLe Leader continues to work with the Emotional and Well-being Steering Committee to ensure improved provision for all learners, staff and wider community. The Steering Committee have developed action plans and strategies in line with Emotional and Mental Wellbeing framework, in order to support the wellbeing of learners, staff and the wider community. This work will support the inclusive whole-school approach to pupils’ health and wellbeing.
- New LPS Curriculum Projects have been fully embedded across all classes, with many learners demonstrating high standards of work through their topic. Workbook scrutiny demonstrated that all classes have coverage of Health and Wellbeing through cross curricular activities. For example, pupils in Year 4 are learning all about their bodies, what keeps them healthy and what helps them grow. Through their topic Inside Out, learners have worked with the Fitness Fanatics to discuss if humans are the healthiest they have ever been. Learners in Year 4 created a fact file on the NHS and benefits of having it, particularly during Covid. This allowed learners to have important discussions around how our quality of life has changed and how medical strategies have advanced over time. Listening to learners demonstrated that there is a progression of higher order thinking questions throughout the school. For example, learners in Year 2 enjoyed independently researching questions around their topic, Roman Invasion, which were developed from the LPS matrix sessions. Learners throughout the school are structuring and verbalising higher order questions. This strategy is contributing to child-initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning.
- When listening to learners, nearly all of the children in KS2 stated the positive impact of the visits from PC Fincher. These sessions have highlighted the importance of discussions surrounding how to stay safe online and restrictions on social media. Nearly all learners felt that these sessions raised important discussions and allowed them to fully understand the impact of theirs and others actions
- Listening to learners in Year 5 has demonstrated the positive impact of their involvement with Cae Felin Community Supported Agriculture project. The children enjoyed planting trees to make future hedgerows, planting garlic and onions in raised beds and mixing and making their own compost to use. This has allowed the children to lead and play different roles in teams effectively and have ownership over the project. It will support the children to become enterprising, creative contributors who play a part in giving back to the wider community.
Our next steps are:
- The Happy Healthy Helpers and the AoLE Leader will continue to review the new LPS Curriculum Projects to ensure standards are raised and progression. To ensure that there are opportunities for self- determined learning and to ensure that the Rights of the Child are incorporated across both phases.
- To meet with the Emotional Well-being steering committee in the Summer term to discuss Wellbeing framework and progress towards action plan.
Physical Education
During our review activities this year, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLe Leader undertook Listening to Learners activities and spoke to members of staff.
The following strengths related to our Action Plan were identified:
Nearly all classes have undertaken orienteering sessions providing pupils with a unique learning experience.
Some pupils have attended football tournaments which has provided them with a good experience of teamwork and co-operation.
The Fitness Fanatics in upper KS2 have been trained as Bronze Sports Ambassadors which has provided them with the necessary skills to lead activities and represent the school at sporting events.
Steps have been made to establish a cluster sports league which will provide an excellent chance for pupils to make cluster links next half-term.
There has been continued success with local community links as our partnership with Swansea A.F.C and Mr Humphries which have provided pupils with rich and varied learning experiences.
Nearly all pupils have engaged well in and enjoyed their physical education sessions and demonstrated a good understanding of how to be successful in their learning.
Our next steps are:
To continue to embed orienteering into the schools PE scheme to provide extra coverage of skills for all pupils.
To implement a new cluster sports league and to hold different sporting events for multiple year groups.
To use the orienteering scheme to promote cross curricular learning throughout LPS.