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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Equal Opportunities


We understand that the Equality Act 2010 combines and builds upon the existing legislation covering discrimination and promotion of equality of opportunity. 


We recognise that this Act brings together into one Act those areas now known as ‘protected characteristics’ that qualify for protection from discrimination such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 


We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. We are opposed to any direct or indirect discrimination against individuals or groups whatever their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.


We all have a responsibility to ensure equality permeates in to all aspects of school life and that everyone is treated equally irrespective of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. We want everyone connected with this school to feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth.


We have high expectations of all pupils from across the ability range by aiming to provide them with every opportunity to succeed by providing the highest standards of teaching and learning within a curriculum that is broad, balanced, differentiated, relevant and exciting. We will monitor the progress of all pupils in order for them to achieve their expected targets.


We are opposed to any member of the school personnel or others connected with the school being victimised, harassed or bullied by another based on assumptions about their status in the afore mentioned categories or on any other grounds. Also, we will not discriminate against anyone because of their political affiliation.


In order to achieve the aims of this policy we will take measures of positive action to encourage or facilitate the employment or training of minority or disadvantaged groups as we recognise that the avoidance of discrimination is not sufficient in ensuring that equality exists in this school.


We work hard to maintain a positive ethos where all members of the school community work well alongside each other developing positive working relationships.


We want pupils to come to school to enjoy the meaningful experiences that we offer and where they feel valued and special. We want them to have a sense of pride in themselves and their school. 


We want school personnel to see the importance and derive a sense of fulfilment from their work in school but above all we want them to feel valued by everyone in the school community.


We wish to work closely with the School Council and to hear their views and opinions as we acknowledge and support Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that children should be encouraged to form and to express their views.


We as a school community have a commitment to promote equality. Therefore, an equality impact assessment has been undertaken and we believe this policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010.


We aim to be judged at least good in all school inspections by ensuring that standards for all pupils are higher than schools of a similar size and that standards continue to improve faster than the national trend.


We believe it is essential that this policy clearly identifies and outlines the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the procedures and arrangements that is connected with this policy.



  • To introduce and put into practice the Equality Act 2010 that combines and builds upon the existing legislation covering discrimination and promotion of equality of opportunity. 

  • To treat everyone equally irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age or any other protected characteristic.

  • To achieve the highest standards of teaching and learning for all children irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age or any other protected characteristic.

  • To work with other schools and the local authority to share good practice in order to improve this policy.


Role of the Governing Body:

  • responsibility to comply with all aspects of the Equality Act 2010;

  • delegated powers and responsibilities to the Headteacher to ensure that this policy is embedded into the culture of the school;

  • delegated powers and responsibilities to the Headteacher to ensure all school personnel and stakeholders are aware of and comply with this policy;

  • responsibility to have in place a school accessibility plan in order to provide full access to the school building/s for all disabled people;

  • responsibility for ensuring that the school complies with all equalities legislation;

  • organised training for governors in order to ensure that all governors are aware of their legal responsibilities under equality legislation;

  • has the responsibility to monitor achievement of equality targets;

  • responsibility for ensuring funding is in place to support this policy;

  • responsibility for ensuring this policy and all policies are maintained and updated regularly;

  • responsibility for ensuring all policies are made available to parents;

  • the responsibility of involving Pupil Voice Groups in the development, approval, implementation and review of this policy;

  • the Chair of Governors to visit the school regularly, to liaise with the Headteacher and the coordinator and to report back to the Governing Body;

  • responsibility for the effective implementation and the annual monitoring and evaluation of this policy;

  • make effective use of relevant research and information to improve this policy;

  • responsibility to annually publish the School's compliance with the Equality Act 2010


Role of the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team:

  • ensuring that this policy is embedded into the culture of the school;

  • ensure all school personnel, pupils and parents are aware of and comply with this policy;

  • work closely with the Chair of Governors, SLT and ALNCo;

  • provide leadership and vision in respect of equality inclusion and community cohesion;

  • record and deal with incidents of racism, bullying and other inappropriate behaviour;

  • seeking advice from appropriate agencies in order to ensure that this policy is kept up to date;

  • have high expectations of all pupils from across the ability range;

  • provide every opportunity for pupils to succeed by ensuring the highest standards of teaching and learning;

  • ensure the curriculum is broad, balanced, differentiated, relevant and exciting;

  • monitor the progress of all pupils in order for them to achieve their expected targets;

  • ensure equal opportunities is covered in the school improvement plan, in all subject policies and curriculum plans;

  • monitor and analyse the performance of different groups of pupils within the school;

  • regularly reporting to the Governing Body on the standards achieved by different groups within the school;

  • highlight and share positive activities that help to tackle educational disadvantage;

  • ensure the accessible is carefully monitored and reviewed annually;

  • recording, reporting and addressing all racial incidents; 

  • provide guidance, support and training to all staff;

  • monitor the effectiveness of this policy by:

    • scrutinising teachers planning

    • scrutinising pupils work

    • observing pupils throughout the school day

    • classroom monitoring of pupil progress

    • analysis of questionnaires and surveys with pupils, parents/carers and school personnel

    • analysis of pupil data


Role of School Personnel:

  • act as positive role models in order to promote equality throughout the school community;

  • abide by and adhere to this policy;

  • implement the school’s equalities policy and schemes;

  • report and deal with all incidents of discrimination and unequal treatment to the Senior Leadership Team;

  • maintain an overall school ethos of respect and tolerance for one another;

  • promote equality, inclusion and good community relations;

  • challenge inappropriate language behaviour;

  • tackle bias and stereotyping;

  • insist on good pupil conduct;

  • be alert to signs of racial harassment and bullying;

  • have high expectations of all pupils;

  • carefully monitor all groups of pupils to ensure that they make progress and achieve their targets;

  • provide a stimulating, relevant and exciting curriculum that will motivate and enthuse all students;

  • use a variety of teaching methods to ensure effective learning takes place for all pupils;

  • provide challenge for all pupils;

  • promote equality through curriculum planning;

  • ensure planning is differentiated in order to provide full access for all pupils;

  • provide specialised resources for pupils with disabilities;

  • create a positive classroom ethos and is welcoming to both sexes;

  • ensure pupils feel valued and have individual targets;

  • be open to the views of pupils;

  • encourage pupils to share their experiences of different cultures and different religions;

  • provide positive classroom displays of pupils work;

  • attend appropriate training sessions;

  • report any concerns they have on any aspect of the school community


Role of Pupils:

  • be aware of and comply with this policy;

  • recognise that they have a role and responsibility to promote equality, inclusion and good community relations;

  • challenge inappropriate language behaviour;

  • tackle bias and stereotyping;

  • work to promote anti-bullying strategies;

  • respond appropriately to incidents of discrimination and harassment and understand the action needed to report these

  • learn to take pride in their work;

  • produce work of a high standard;

  • listen carefully to all instructions given by the teacher;

  • ask for further help if they do not understand;

  • participate fully in all lessons;

  • participate in discussions concerning progress and attainment;

  • treat others, their work and equipment with respect;

  • support the school Code of Conduct and guidance necessary to ensure the smooth running of the school;

  • talk to others without shouting and will use language which is neither abusive nor offensive;

  • hand in homework properly completed and on time;

  • wear correct uniform;

  • liaise with Pupil Voice Groups;

  • take part in questionnaires and surveys


Recruitment Process:

We are an Equal Opportunities employer and we adhere to the principles of equal opportunity in all aspects of the recruitment process.

We welcome applications for vacant posts from appropriately qualified persons regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 



The complaints procedures will be used to deal with any discriminatory complaint from any member of the school personnel.


Any case of harassment will be dealt with by the school’s disciplinary procedure.


Role of Parents/Carers:

  • be aware of and comply with this policy;

  • be encouraged to take an active role in the life of the school by attending:

    • parents and open evenings

    • parent-teacher consultations

    • class assemblies

    • school concerts

    • fundraising and social events

  • be encouraged to work in school as volunteers;

  • to sign, agree and follow the LPS Home School Agreement

  • be asked to take part periodic surveys conducted by the school



All school personnel:

  • have equal chances of training, career development and promotion

  • receive training on this policy on induction which specifically covers:

    • Ethos

    • Equal opportunities

    • Inclusion

    • Anti-bullying

    • Assessment

    • Curriculum

    • Pupil Behaviour & Discipline

    • Sex and Relationships

    • Teaching and Learning

  • receive periodic training so that they are kept up to date with new information

  • receive equal opportunities training on induction in order to improve their understanding of the Equality Act 2010 and its implications


Equality Impact Assessment

Under the Equality Act 2010 we have a duty not to discriminate against people on the basis of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.


This policy has been equality impact assessed and we believe that it is in line with the Equality Act 2010 as it is fair, it does not prioritise or disadvantage any pupil and it helps to promote equality at this school.


This policy will be reviewed when necessary.

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392