- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new academic year, this is just a short note to introduce some of the routines for your children in Year 6.
Topic - Our first Topic of the year is ‘Wales at War’. This project has a history focus and teaches children about the impact of the Second World War in this country. We will look at several areas, including an understanding of the reasons for war, the impact on the everyday lives of people including children and about significant individuals of the period. Children will also learn about the significance of the Swansea Blitz and the social and human impact of it.
PE & Swimming Lessons (Wednesday & Friday) – This half-term, PE will take place every Friday. Please can all children wear their PE kit to school on Friday. They must wear PE kit which is suitable for outdoor PE lessons. Earrings must be removed for lessons, if your child is unable to do this by themselves, please could they not wear them on their PE day. Swimming will take place at Penyrheol Leisure Centre every Wednesday throughout this first half-term.
Reading - It is important that reading books and reading records are taken home/returned to school every day, as there are daily timetabled sessions for group reading. Children will be given a reading day when they will be listened to by an adult. However, there may be occasions when this varies so it is important that the children bring their reading book and record every day. If your child finishes their reading book before their allocated reading day, then they can see myself or another member of staff to change their book - please do not wait until their reading day.
Homework - Weekly maths, spelling and reading homework will be set every week through MyMaths and Reading Eggspress. Homework will be set on a Friday and children will have one week to complete the tasks. There will be weekly spelling, mental maths and times table tests which will take place on a Friday. All homework can be accessed from the Homework section of the Year 6 Class Page.
Pupil Information
In order to maintain up to date records, please could you inform me of any allergies, medication, or dietary requirements the children may have. Thank you.
Stationery Equipment – We will provide all equipment (pens, pencils, rulers, etc.) that will be required and children will have their own personal tray to store these items. However, if children wish to bring their own equipment they can do so. Pencil cases will need to be of a sensible size so that they can fit in their trays.
I hope that this answers any questions you have. If there are any further queries, please contact me.
Thank you for your support in these areas.
Mr Williams