- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
During our review activities this year, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLe Leader undertook Listening to Learners activities (pupil questionnaire). Additionally, the AoLe Leader undertook workbook scrutiny and Listening to Learner activities.
The following strengths related to our Action Plan were identified;
All classes have produced a variety of topic-based Numeracy activities within their new LPS Projects, all of which have continued to allow pupils to confidently demonstrate a high standard of work throughout the curriculum which is equitable to discreet maths lessons. This has been recognised during our Summer Term Estyn Inspection, where inspectors stated, ‘As they progress through the school, pupils continue to develop confidence in using their numeracy skills…Many pupils in Year 5 and Year 6 develop good thinking skills in mathematics and use information well to tackle more complex problems.’
The LPS Numeracy Scheme is consistently used by all class teachers to plan and teach effective lessons appropriate to the age and ability of the pupils. These lessons include a range of place value activities and a variety of lessons focusing on the four operations. Learners are continuing to use their knowledge of these areas and applying them confidently within their numeracy tasks, as evidenced in their workbooks and within our tracking systems. As a result, Estyn Inspectors recognised that, ‘Pupils across the school make strong progress with their mathematics and numeracy skills…’
Analysis of progress within INCERTS and standardised testing demonstrates that most learners are working at or above their expected level and many pupils have made the expected progress throughout the year. Those that are working below the expected level, or not making the expected progress continue to receive targeted support through in class differentiation, Boost Group support or ALN provision. This continues to ensure that these learners make good progress. Regular discussion (involving SLT, ALN Leader, class teachers and teaching assistants) ensures that all available support for learners is allocated effectively. The LPS Numeracy Scheme supports in-class differentiation while boost groups receive targeted intervention planned for by class teachers. This effective approach was highlighted by Estyn, who noted that, ‘Teachers use a range of assessment information purposefully to help inform their planning and to identify those pupils that need support. They quickly identify pupils who may need additional support and work with a dedicated team of teaching assistants to ensure that appropriate and sensitive provision is put in place.
Next Steps: