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Home Learning Area Tasks for the week.
Maths: Task- Bug counting
Draw 5 pictures of a jar on paper or use plastic plates. Write a number on each jar or plate up to 5. (increase numbers to extend learning) If you do not have mini beasts, draw a mini beast on paper and cut them out. Count out loud as you move one bug at a time onto the jar or plate as you count up to the the total number of bugs. Point to a jar or plate and ask your child how many bugs altogether?
Outside in the garden (child or and adult) draw numbers on the ground, using chalks. How many can you write? Use a big paint brush and fill a small bucket with water. Wet your brush and trace over the numbers, to help make the number disappear using the correct formation.
Draw different patterns. Have a look at patterns in the garden. Zig-zags, lines,circles,squares, spirals. Can you help them disappear?
Book - Baby Bear's Week
Task - Play hop scotch.
How to make a dice - Have a look in you recycling bag for an empty box (cube shape)- tissue box, tea bag box. Draw black spots on each side of the box, 1-6.
Draw hop scotch grid on the floor outside, using chalk. Write a number in each square 1-6. Your child can write the numbers if they can. Together roll the dice and ask your child to count the number of dots on the dice. Hop on the number and say the number out loud.
Draw circles randomly on the floor outside using chalk. Write one number in each circle (1-3,1-6). Ask your child to roll the dice, count the number of dots and hop on the number. Practice recognising the numbers. When standing on the numbered spot. Ask you child to make the same number of movements. Up to you how many you want to move to. Some examples below.
1- Stretch high on tip toes 2- Big jumps 3-Star jumps 4- hops 5- Giant steps 6- Marching moves
Phonics Play login
User name: march 20
Password: home
Click on the link below to learn some phonic sounds. When you have used the login above, click onto resources and then click onto phase 1 Super smoothie. Learning beginning sounds. Phase 2 Pick a picture. Learning to blend words. Feel free to explore the games with your child.
Topic Work: Bug Hunt
With you family go on an adventure in the garden looking for some mini beasts. Don't forget you might like to take a small tub with you to explore your bugs with your family. If you have some binoculars or a magnifying glass, this might help you see the teeny tiny mini beast that could be hiding under logs, behind stones or even crawling on the small leaves. Happy Hunting!
Task- Make a 3D mini beast - Junk modelling
Ask your family to look in the recycling for an empty egg carton- caterpillar or an empty gravy granules tub- ant, cardboard box to cut circles for spiders or ladybirds. To help you create a fabulous mini beast of your choice.
Or, draw or paint on paper what you see on your amazing adventure. Talk about what your mini beat looks like. What pattern does it have on its body? How many legs can you count? How can your mini beast move? Where does your mini beast live?
Can you write the name of your mini beast?
Make some labels- legs, wings, body, head.
Trace the beginning sound of your mini beast.