- November 2024 Newsletter 8th November 2024
- October 2024 Newsletter 4th October 2024
- September 2024 Newsletter 5th September 2024
Target Review:
The LPS ALNCo has organised and disseminated the new ALN Register, with support structures and tracking systems in place.
Basic Skills groups and Intervention groups have be established and embedded, ensuring additional support is provisioned for pupils as early as possible in the school year.
The school has invested in new online tracking, screening and intervention support programmes such as;
Boxall Profile Online (New This Year)
SNAP - Specific Learning Needs (New This Year)
SNAP - Behavioural (New This Year)
Language Link
Speech Link
Rapid Reading
Additional TA hours have been appointed in Lower KS2 to provide pastoral and intervention support for our vulnerable learners. This is already having a positive impact on standards, as demonstrated in our autumn term tracking review.
Pupils in receipt of Statement, Additional Needs and Free School Meals have all demonstrated very good progress this term.
Miss Gaffney (ALNCo) has attended a variety of specific training and established very strong network groups across the cluster, and wider, to enhance her leadership within this area. Thus ensuring that LPS is better placed to meet the needs of all learners.
Miss Gaffney has further enhanced her leadership by tailoring the staff development needs across the school to meet the needs of all learners by setting up training days for all staff during INSET sessions, organising school-to-school working, providing networking opportunities for all staff and organising training by carefully selecting external providers.
ALNCo has developed her distributed leadership skills by providing staff, who have received training, with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by disseminating information and training others. This approach to training, has maximised the impact on the needs of all learners across the school.
Communication has improved between Support Staff and ALNCo due to weekly meetings with focused agenda items including feedback from groups, progress reports and communication streams from SLT and teaching staff meetings.
Collaboration with the Assessment leader, has provided a greater understanding of the internal tracking system in order to monitor progress made within specific groups of learners. This has enabled the ALNCo to reflect on provision and communication needs effectively with all stakeholders.
SLT, including the ALNCo, have developed a community Well-Being area on the school's website to provide information and support to all stakeholders and members of our community. We will be monitoring the impact of this provision through community questionnaires (2020/21).