- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
Vision and Values (Link)
LPS Context (Link)
3.1 Purpose and process
The collection of information is crucial to supporting us in:
Deciding what actions to take to improve equality and eliminate discrimination within the school community;
Reviewing our performance;
Undertaking Equality Impact Assessments.
Engagement is based on the information gained about representation of different groups. We aim to do this as fully as possible while recognising issues of sensitivity in relation to the different protected characteristics. The reason that this progress is important is to understand the full range of needs of the school community.
3.2 Types of Information Gathered
The wide range of information gathered to support our planning and action to promote equality and eliminate discrimination includes the following:
an analysis of the responses received from pupils, parents/carers, staff and
governors following the distribution of a questionnaire to determine equality issues;
pupil attainment and progress data relating to different groups;
school council’s views actively sought and incorporated in a way that values their contribution;
exclusions data analysed by group; records of bullying and harassment on the grounds of any protected characteristic.
3.3 Engagement
The school involves stakeholders including children and young people, staff, parents/carers, governors and other users of the school in relation to all equalities duties. We ensure that we communicate with everyone in an accessible way, using interpreters and different information formats when appropriate.
The views of stakeholders and other equalities related groups are genuinely taken into account when we set priorities.
4. Equality Impact Assessment
An EIA is basically a way of looking at what we do as a school to ensure our policies and proposals do not discriminate against people on the basis of:
Gender reassignment
Marriage & civil partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion or (non-)belief
Sexual orientation
Welsh language
The purpose of an EIA is to identify any potential risks of unlawful discrimination and opportunities to promote equality. They also support the outcome of delivering excellence in terms of meeting the needs of all. We will undertake EIAs on any policies and proposals that we believe may be impacted by equality concerns.
5. Objectives and Action Plans
Our Equality Objectives are:
To promote messages and positive role models across all protected characteristics and increase participation and achievement within these groups;
Publish and promote Equality Policy through school website, newsletters, staff meetings;
Monitor and analyse pupil achievement by protected characteristics, act on trends/ patterns in the data that require additional support in order to narrow the gap;
Ensure the curriculum promotes role models and heroes that young people positively identify with which reflect the school’s diversity;
Ensure that all displays in classrooms and corridors reflect the diversity of the community we serve;
Ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school e.g. through involvement in the school council by election or co- option, class assemblies, etc;
Ensure racial incidents are reported, monitored and acted upon effectively;
Introduce initiatives to encourage girls to take up sport outside the curriculum requirements, including football ,cricket, basketball and rugby to ensure
participation rates more reflective of school population;
Promote Governor vacancies with leaflets in accessible formats and specifically welcoming applications from disabled candidates;
Celebrate cultural events throughout the year to increase pupil and community awareness of different ethnic groups and beliefs Involve representatives from a range of these to participate in our celebrations
To increase access to the curriculum, physical and written environment through the delivery of the School’s Accessibility Plan;
Teachers work collaboratively with outside agencies and advise support staff accordingly;
Needs of all stakeholders with disabilities will be taken into account in planning and undertaking school any refurbishment to the school;
Clear signage in all areas of the school;
Visual support in place in all areas of the school;
User-friendly language in place for all communication;
Communication translated into main community languages.
The school evaluates the effectiveness of the SEP on a regular basis, through the Governing Body and with Estyn when the school is inspected.
6. Publication and Reporting
We will publish our SEP on our school website and make it available from the school office. The Plan will be available in a range of formats on request.
The school reports annually on the progress made on the action plans and the impact of the SEP itself on school ethos and practice within the school. This is undertaken as part of the Governors’ Annual Report.
All data collected will be used solely for the purpose of analysing trends by protected characteristic in performance, take -up and satisfaction with services offered by the school or local authority. Such information will be stored separately from personal information which identifies the individual. In order to protect the identities of individuals when trend information is published no counts containing less than 5 individuals will be published.
7. Monitor and Review
As part of our responsibility to monitor the SEP, we commit to:
revisiting and analysing the information and data used to identify priorities for our Equality Objectives,
undertaking an annual review of progress against our Equality Objectives,
We will undertake a full review of our SEP by September 2025.
LPS Equality Objectives and Action Plan
LPS Accessibility Plan