- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
Target Review:
During lesson observations and listening to learners, the use of Challenges and Missions for learning was good or better in nearly all classes.
In nearly all classes, challenge boards, question matrix and topic webs are being used to enrich learner’s independence and to give them a voice in the planning and learning.
Learners are able to show evidence of this work in their mission books and on their webpage.
All learners are able talk about the process of pupil voice and how their ideas are used in the planning of Challenges and Missions.
All learners spoke with pride and ownership of their Challenge and Mission work and activities they have independently selected.
All learners could talk about how the questions they generate at the start of each topic are used as a basis for planning missions.
Learners talked about how they independently selected and researched questions that were generated during pupil voice sessions. These strategies are contributing to child-initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning.
Through observations, it was evident that the variety of self-directed learning is limited by the nature of task selected and mission card approach (ie. Missions cards that are planned for the pupil). This system is currently under review.
All classes have evidence of the PLJ in their literacy books or on their webpage. Nearly all learners in KS2 could talk about how they use the strands of the PLJ in their learning throughout the week and then reflected on this at the end of the week. There is evidence of incorporating PLJ into other areas of learning, such as giving Goldilocks information on how to behave and care for others.
Evaluation of the LPS Challenge and Missions strategies, highlighted limitations in meeting the desired target for improving self-determined learning. Refinement of our LPS Matrix strategy provided the opportunity to deliver more heutagogical approaches, therefore enhancing self-determined learning for all pupils. This refined approach is described in our LPS Question Matrix section on the school website.
Throughout the Spring and Summer term, our home-learning strategy has provided extended opportunities for self-determined learning and application of key and wider skills. Tasks set have provided pupils with opportunities to select appropriate methods and processes in which to record and present their learning.
Our home-learning strategy also provided opportunities for pupils to self-direct their learning, deciding on what it is they were going to explore and how they would present this to others.