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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Target 3 Progress

Autumn Term Review:

  • PLJ has been introduced to all classes. Weekly assemblies introduce foci of the week. Focus discussed at all opportunities and are linked with end of week rewards assembly. Within Upper KS2 the pupils design and create weekly Vloggs every Monday for part of the Learning Journal based on the school’s weekly focus.
  • PLJ has enabled the whole school community to focus on developing the four core purposes. Weekly review sessions allow for more in-depth discussion and self-reflection in order to develop further understanding. Upper KS2 develop their Oracy and media DCF skills through their week Vloggs regarding PLJ Reviews.
  • Area Leaders have set up PVG groups who meet regularly to co-construct curriculum developments and review current provision.  They also provide training for staff and pupils, for example the iTeam have organised coding training for all KS2 classes (See Year 3 Gallery).
  • Staff training for all KS2 Teachers undertaken regarding the implementation of Topic Web or Mission approach to teaching and learning. All staff have begun implementing new approaches through their planning and delivery.
  • Nearly all KS2 classes have implemented ‘Mission’ as a result, children receive greater input to tasks with improved independence and enhance their higher order thinking skills.
  • Foundation Phase classes continue to develop their Challenge Board approach where pupil voice directs independent learning (See Reception Activity Gallery).



Spring Term Review:

  • In all classes, challenge boards and topic webs are being used to enrich learner’s independence and to give them a voice in the planning and learning. Most learners could talk about the process of pupil voice and how their ideas shared are used in the planning of challenges and missions. These strategies are contributing to child- initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning and outcomes.
  • Teachers are planning creatively, to a high standard, in order to teach and link such a rich variety of Maths within their Cornerstones Topic.
  • In Foundation Phase, pupils continue to demonstrate independent application of numeracy skills by selecting Numeracy Challenges to complete.
  • In KS2, All classes provide Numeracy Missions that build on skills recently taught through Maths lessons.
  • Many pupils produce work in their Mission or Challenge Book which is equal to that in their Maths lessons.
  • All classes have had the opportunity to create and communicate ideas using software such as PowerPoint, Playlists and Microbit Coding within their independent learning.
  • In nearly all classes, there is evidence that pupils have recorded and edited videos using iPads and applications such as iMovie.
  • All classes are using their challenge boards and topic webs to generate Expressive Arts ideas to develop and improve independent learning and higher order thinking.
  • All classes are completing art activities through their challenges and missions.
  • A few classes are completing music and drama activities through their challenges and missions.
  • This approach is having a very positive impact on how pupils are learning across the curriculum. They are developing important skills, both those specific to Areas of Learning and those which are transferable across the whole curriculum.


Summer Term Review:

  • In nearly all classes, challenge boards and topic webs are being used to enrich learner’s independence and to give them a voice in the planning and learning.

  • All learners are able talk about the process of pupil voice and how their ideas are used in the planning of Challenges and Missions

  • All learners spoke with pride and ownership of their Challenge and Mission books. 

  • All learners could talk about how the questions they generate at the start of each topic are used during missions. 

  • Learners talked about how they independently researched questions that were generated during pupil voice sessions. These strategies are contributing to child-initiated learning across the school and empowering pupils to have ownership over their learning.


Our Next Steps:

  • Further enhance independence and self challenge through these systems.

  • Ensure that all classes demonstrate equitable standards between challenge/mission work as they do in other areas - such as literacy and numeracy books.

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392