- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
We see the development of the children as being one of the most important things to consider when running this service and planning the activities. We also believe that allowing a child to become independent is something that is important for them as they grow, knowing that they can do things by themselves and not having to rely on others to do everything for them. We believe it is essential that children are allowed the time and opportunities to complete tasks and activities independently, according to their age, such as putting their coats on, washing their hands, completing play and focused activities. We believe in children having the confidence to develop their independence and that they are secure in the knowledge that staff are on hand to offer support, if the task becomes to much for them to complete. This will boost their confidence and self-esteem as they would have been able to complete something independently, rather than having an adult do it for them straight away.
While at LPS Wraparound children are encouraged to build positive relationships with their peers and adults. We know that the children in our care are happy and develop social and interaction skills when playing and learning with other children and staff members. This is clear to us because one parent stated that it ‘provides further learning, good social interaction and positive role models from older children for younger children to follow.’ With regards to their social and interaction skills, this is something that they are always developing. Throughout the day the children interact with both children and staff regularly, thus allowing them to understand the difference in the way they would need to communicate with people such as fellow peers or adults. When interacting with one another the children can co-operate, take turns and share the toys, this is something that we teach and explain to the children regardless of their age, as it is a life skill that they will all need to learn as they grow up.
Priorities for Improvement:
Further improve care and development provision within the afterschool setting, adopting more detailed and structured project plans that considers learner voice and choice.
Enhance provision within the afterschool setting through the implementation of the Day Nursery approach to staff review (SSTEW Scale framework) focusing on social and interaction development.
LPSW Assessment of Care and Development: Good