- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
Use of Pupil Voice/ Challenge boards (FP) Topic Webs (KS2)
All classes in the FP have challenge boards and pupil voice is evident. All FP classes have up to date challenge boards and use the pupil voice sessions to create these challenges. All children could talk about what challenges are, and in the upper FP could show me their challenge books and talk about what they have done.
The topic web approach is developing well in KS2, with many learners showing some awareness of what a topic web is and what it is used for. Many children understand the use of a topic web and felt they had a voice in class and had an impact on their learning. Most children could talk about the question matrix and how it was used in their class. Further development is currently taking place with pupil voice and topic webs in KS2.
Workbook review
There was a good demonstration of appropriate questioning and targets to move learners forward throughout both phases. Many books showed both self and peer assessment across the curriculum. Nearly all children spoken to when looking at their books could talk about a topic or piece of work they enjoyed and were enthusiastic about a topic covered. There was a good range of evidence of the question matrix in both FP and KS2 and nearly all children could talk about the question matrix and its use. There is good evidence of Health and Wellbeing being taught in Upper FP class, with lessons demonstrating keeping fit and healthy, and ESafety.
Classroom ethos
A good ethos and consistent display of independence across all classes in the school. Most children showed independence and could give strategies on what to do when they found something difficult. All children were praised appropriately, and questioning displayed was open and child friendly. Many children were praised in Welsh in Upper FP class.
A good use of Dojos across both phases, where children are independently accessing Dojo. All children are aware of Oracy strategies and could talk about the use fish and chip partners to discuss topics/ Oracy sessions. Nearly all children enjoy and feel safe and happy in class, and could talk about strategies in place if they did have a problem. Most classes use Helpau Heddiw each day and the children know the roles of a Helpau Heddiw,
Healthy snack
Nearly all children have an awareness of what the healthy snack award is and many children complete the healthy snack award tally every day. Very few children believe that the responsibility lies with the teacher to tally, and most children believe it is the role of Helpau Heddiw and that they carry this out every day. There is a good knowledge of what foods are healthy and children were able to discuss the importance of keeping fit and healthy.
All class teachers have completed a Thrive action plan for their class. As a school we are in the early stages of Thrive, however we are working towards using the action plans to incorporate into our planning and teaching.
Physical Education
In all classes there is excellent coverage of the area and a wide variety of sports take place across the whole school. All pupils spoken to have an excellent understanding of the importance of the area and the impact that physical exercise has on health. Nearly all pupils look forward to and enjoy PE sessions. Pupils in both Foundation Phase and KS2 are beginning to take an active role in helping to generate ideas for topic-based PE lessons using either their Pupil Voice wall or their Topic Web. Technology is also beginning to play a greater role in improving pupils’ achievement in PE by allowing pupils and staff to review and reflect on key aspects of the lesson.