- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
5 easy ways to support your school
When we work together as a community, we can ensure that everyone has the best experience in school. There are a few little things that you can do to support us and your children – just keep reading to find out what they are.
There are never too many labels!
Writing your child’s name into their jumpers, coats and lunchboxes will make it easier for them to identify which one is theirs. It will also help others to identify them if they go missing so that you are more likely to have it returned. We recommend using Stikins -they’ll print the label for you and all you need to do is stick it in. Make sure to use the fundraising number to help the PTFA at the same time!
Keep staff in the loop
This one is especially important when your child needs medication during the school day – please don’t pop anything into the child’s bag, as this can be a risk to the children (and we won’t be able to administer it)! Instead, make sure to fill in a medication form and then hand both the form and the medicine to your child’s teacher or the office. The only medication we can administer is prescribed medicine, so make sure it has the chemists label on it. If there are any issues that might be affecting your child in school, it’s worth letting the teacher know so they can give the support needed.
Ensure your records are up-to-date
Updating all of your details when you change phone number or address isn’t the easiest of tasks. It’s important, however, that your details are up to date on our system so that we can get hold of you should there be any problems. Even if there are no problems, you may be missing out on important information so make sure to change it promptly. Make sure to visit the office if any of your details change so that they can update them for you.
Don’t panic!
Sometimes, your child may come home and tell you that someone was mean to them. As a parent, this isn’t a nice thing to hear and of course, you’ll want to do something about it. However, children are still developing their social skills and may take little things to heart – often, it’s just a little bit of quarrelling that will blow over soon enough. Of course, our teachers are always here to talk to you about any concerns, so don’t be afraid to have a chat with them if you’re worried.
Help your child be at their best
We work hard to ensure your child has a good learning environment. Even so, if your child isn’t ready for the day then they won’t take advantage of this. Make sure they have a good sleeping routine (you can see our tips here), a healthy diet and are keeping active. Children love to learn when they’re feeling fresh and alert.
The best thing we can all do is keep communication open. Our staff will always be there if you have any concerns and queries and we will always keep you updated on what is happening in the school.