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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Knowledge and understanding of the world

Match the Animal to the Correct Egg

The children have been learning about different animals that lay eggs. For this activity, they needed to match the animal up to the correct egg that it lays. 

Brenda’s Boring Egg Questions 

For this activity, the children were read a story about a duck who had a boring coloured egg in comparison to all the other ducks. Once they had listened to the story, the children spoke about how they thought the ducks may have been feeling and and answered some question cards based on the book. 

Complete the Pattern 

The children enjoyed completing this activity where they had to continue on the pattern that had already been started on the cards. 

Duck Pairs

The children watched a video about Ducks, shared what they knew and remembered about ducks and then played a game of duck pairs with the coloured duck cards. 

Hen Life Cycle

The children watched a video all about the life cycle of a hen then they worked really hard to put the pictures in the correct order. 

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392