During our review activities, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLe Leader undertook workbook Scrutiny and Listening to Learners activities. Additionally, the AoLe Leader completed data analysis of standardised testing and reviewed progress of the new LPS Curriculum projects.
We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan;
- In the Summer Term, tracking within boost groups across the school demonstrate the progress being made in all classes, showing the positive impact for all groups of learners.
- NGRT test data demonstrates that most learners are working at or above the expected level, therefore our Reading Carousel and online platforms continue to have a positive impact on reading.
- Many pupils are making the expected in year progress due to the impact of school systems i.e. Reading Carousel, boost group interventions and tracking throughout the academic year.
- This was recognised during our recent Estyn Inspection Report which states, “Most pupils read a variety of texts which are suitable to their age and stage.”
- It is evident from workbook scrutiny that high levels of literacy skills are used across the school to access information and research areas for further information, allowing pupils to direct their own learning.
- Workbook scrutiny demonstrates some improvements in handwriting due to regular handwriting sessions however, presentation of work and handwriting style continues to be a focus since returning from the pandemic.
- This was recognised during our recent Estyn Inspection Report which states, “Nearly all pupils develop their writing skills well as they progress through the school. They use their understanding of grammar with increasing confidence.”
- Professional discussions and listening to learners demonstrate that Fast Phonics continues to engage our younger pupils and is having a positive impact on their learning both in class, at home and during boost groups.
- From listening to learners, our online spelling platform continues to be very popular. 80% of pupils stated that they enjoy using Reading Eggs with 92% of pupils stating that it benefits their learning to have time during reading carousel to complete their homework assignments.
- Analysis of the questionnaire demonstrates that the system is more popular with Foundation Phase and Lower key Stage 2, while engagement with the platform decreases in Year 5 and 6.
- Regular visits from Mentor Iaith and Mrs Jones has increased the confidence of the Criw Iaith and therefore had a positive impact on bilingualism and incidental Welsh, in and out of the classroom.
- Working with external providers and agencies has enabled the Criw Iaith to lead the development of the outdoor games and resources while developing their leadership of the area.
- Staff training has increased the confidence of staff when undertaking effective drillio sessions, developing standards of Oracy, however we recognise the continues to be an area for development next year due to the impact of the pandemic.
- Workbook Scrutiny demonstrates that the standard of written Welsh across the school is at the expected level in nearly all classes demonstrating the impact of online resources and use class dictionaries.
- This was recognised during our recent Estyn Inspection Report which states, “The majority of pupils use helpful scaffolds to produce extended pieces of writing.”