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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Project 4 - Shall we Eggsplore?

Are eggs alive?

This topic will be a fun and interesting topic for the children to learn all about. 

the first thing we will be discussing in this topic is " what are eggs? " and " Where do they come from? "  we will also be learning about a variety of different things including the following below:

  • Ducks and Ducklings

  • Easter celebrations

  • Blossom and spring flowers



This topic will engage and interest the children in a number of different ways and they will learn new things whilst having fun with their friends. 

The children participated in a circle time where we spoke about what they already know about eggs and what they would like to know about eggs and animals they come from. 

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392