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LPSW Child Protection

It is the policy of Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound to make children’s safety, wellbeing and protection our highest priority while they are in our care.


We do this by: 

  • Recognising that it is our legal duty to refer all allegations of child abuse appropriately and without delay.

  • Having regard for the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011 and specifically Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which states: “Children have the right to be properly cared for and protected from violence, abuse and neglect by their parents and anyone looking after them.”  

  • Working in line with the All Wales Child Protection Procedures 2008 ( 

  • Having regard for the Safeguarding Children: Working Together Under the Children Act 2004 

  • Developing a professional link with the child protection co-ordinator in the City and County of Swansea and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board.

  • Ensuring that all who use and work in Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound knows that child protection is the responsibility of everyone.

  • Operating a clear and thorough recruitment policy and procedure for staff and volunteers which includes maintaining current enhanced DBS disclosures (and where relevant, Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) checks, referring to for up-to-date information and requirements) and checks on fitness references in addition to qualifications in line with relevant day care regulations. 

  • Being aware of The Protection of Children Act 1999: A practical guide to the Act for all organisations working with children (which relates to the Government's aim of establishing a framework of a coherent cross-sector scheme for identifying those people considered to be unsuitable to work with children).

  • Implementing an induction process and code of conduct for staff, students, visitors and volunteers. See: 

  • Designating a suitable child protection officer (Lee Burnell) and deputy (Jessica Thomas) to act in their absence, who acts on behalf of Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound in any child protection matters including making sure that appropriate training and information is available and accessible to all staff, students, visitors and volunteers.

  • Ensuring all staff are trained in child protection procedures (this includes recognition of signs of abuse).

  • Maintaining appropriate staff: child ratios for the supervision of children that are in line with or exceed regulatory requirements.

  • Operating and keeping an up-to-date risk assessment of all activity within Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound and ensuring adequate insurance cover is provided.

  • Informing all parents/carers of the child protection policy and procedures (including relevant contact numbers) as each family starts to use Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound.

  • Operating effective policies for arrival and collection of children, outings, behaviour management and inclusive practice and the use of electronic equipment in the workplace.

  • Reporting, recording and monitoring any injuries sustained by a child (while away from, or in our care) and/or changes in a child's behaviour; taking action when appropriate (parents will normally be the first point of contact, unless it is deemed that this would place the child at risk).

  • Responding promptly and appropriately to any suspicion of abuse.

  • The local authority (social services duty social worker) is the prime authority for dealing with child protection investigations although concerns may be reported to a police officer or an officer of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).


There are two types of disclosure:

One: Action to be taken in the event of a disclosure about a child:

In the event of a member of staff having a concern/suspicion that a child has suffered abuse/neglect or if someone tells them that they or another child or young person is being abused/suffering neglect:


The member of staff acts without delay and (as is appropriate to the age/stage of the individual child):

  • Listens, showing that they have heard what they are being told and that they take the allegations seriously.

  • Does not prompt or ask leading questions.

  • Does not ask the child to tell their story more than once.

  • Explains what actions they must take (using agreed procedures).

  • Does not promise to keep what they have been told a secret or confidential, but explains that they will share information only on a ‘need to know’ basis.


Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound takes seriously its responsibility to disclose information to the relevant people/organisations and reporting concerns is not seen as a betrayal of trust to the person/child making the disclosure.


The member of staff:

  • Writes down, using the exact words, that they have been told. This is done immediately.

  • Makes a note of the date, time, place and people present in the discussion.

  • Does not confront the alleged abuser.

  • Reports the concerns to the registered person/responsible individual and/or designated child protection officer as soon as possible, but without delay.


The registered person/responsible individual designated child protection officer:

  • Reports the concerns immediately to the intake and assessment team duty officer of the local social services.

  • Informs CIW that a referral has been made and that procedures are being followed.


Two: Action to be taken in the event of a disclosure about professional abuse:

If the behaviour of a colleague, adult (including volunteers and members of the public) towards children or young people causes concern:


It is important to differentiate between cases involving issues such as poor professional practice and cases that give rise to child protection concerns (including cases involving abuse of trust). While the former may be handled through disciplinary procedures or other avenues, child protection concerns should always be dealt with through local child protection procedures in line with this guidance and, in particular, the guidance contained in Chapter 8: Handling Individual Cases. (Safeguarding Children: Working Together to Safeguard Children under the Children Act 2004.12.3).;jsessionid=pC1JPyVdGx3nnGPX1sFfnysrkHmnyTkxYn1MkpVGchDDnMly07n9!545803488?lang=en 


  • The procedure above (in 1. Action to be taken in the event of a disclosure about a child) is implemented (adapted to who is making the disclosure).

  • The registered person/responsible individual considers the options for removal/suspension without prejudice from duty of the member of staff/volunteer pending decisions made at the strategy discussion.

  • The member of staff/volunteer is informed and written records of discussions and decisions are made in line with the staff disciplinary policy and procedure.

  • The registered person/responsible individual informs CIW of any allegations of serious harm to a child committed by any person looking after children in Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound or by any person living, working, or employed on the premises, or any abuse alleged to have taken place on the premises (within 14 days).

  • As a member of Early Years Wales Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound informs the chief executive officer at head office.

  • Failure by a member of staff to report suspected abuse will result in disciplinary action being taken.


Making the Referral

  • The referral is made to social services as soon as a problem, suspicion or concern about a child becomes apparent, and at least within 24 hours.

  • Outside office hours, referrals are made to the social services emergency duty team or the police. 

  • The duty social worker taking the referral is given as much of the following information as possible by Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s referrer, (using the form agreed with the LA child protection co-ordinator).

  • The nature of the concerns.

  • How and why those concerns have arisen.

  • The full name, address and date of birth (or age) of the child.

  • The names, addresses and dates of birth/ages of family members, along with any other names which they use or are known by.

  • The names and relationship of all those with parental responsibility (where known).

  • Information on any other adults living in the household.

  • Information relating to other professionals involved with the family, including the name of the child’s school and GP.

  • Any information held on the child’s developmental needs and his/her parents’/carers’ ability to respond to these needs within the context of the wider family environment.

  • Any information affecting the safety of staff.

  • The designated child protection officer has responsibility to ensure that child protection concerns are taken seriously and followed through, remaining accountable for their role throughout the child protection process. 

  • If they remain concerned about a child they will make representations to the intake and assessment team duty officer of social services. 

  • Let’s Protect Our Children


Record Keeping

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound keeps accurate, concise and clear records in straightforward language to underpin good child protection practice.

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s arrangements for retention, storage and destruction of electronic and paper records of child protection matters meet the relevant regulations (including Data Protection Act 1998) and requirements made by the Information Commissioner’s Office (01625 545740 or visit

  • Records kept by Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound are shared on a need to know basis with social services departments.

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s child protection records:

    • Use clear, straightforward language.

    • Are signed, dated and timed.

    • Are concise, legible and comply with professional standards and requirements.

    • Are accurate in fact and distinguish between fact, opinion, judgement and hypothesis.

    • Are organised and include detailed recording and chronologies and summaries, including all contacts.

    • Are comprehensive.

    • Clearly record judgements made and actions and decisions taken.

    • Clarify where decisions have been taken jointly across agencies, or endorsed by a manager.

    • Record both formal and informal supervision discussions.

    • Record directions given and agreements or disagreements made in consultation with supervisors or managers.

  • Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound’s representative/child protection officer attends any multi-agency discussion (this may be a meeting or via telephone) and provides reports as necessary and appropriate.

  • The strategy discussion considers risk associated with any allegation and should determine whether or not a member of staff will be suspended from duty without prejudice.

  • Decisions are recorded in writing.


Further advice on employment can be sought from ACAS at    


Throughout a child protection investigation

Llangyfelach Primary Wraparound will:

  • Make every effort to build and maintain trusting and supportive relationships between children, staff, families and volunteers.

  • Do all it can to support and work with the child's family.

  • Share any confidential records on a child with the child's parents, except in cases in which parents are implicated and evidence gives rise for concern.


The following contact details are also kept in the main office and records book and are checked/updated as needed by designated officers – Lee Burnell & Jessica Thomas



Designated Governor: Michelle Kidwell (Chair of Governors)

Designated Officer: Lee Burnell (Responsable Person)

Deputy Officer: Jessica Thomas (Person in Charge)

Assistant & Support Officer: Carly Gaffney-Jones (ALN Leader)


LA Designated Officer: Lisa Collins (01792) 637148

Social Services Referrals (01792) 635700

Out of Hours Referrals (01792) 775501


Community Wellbeing & Support Officer: 

Carly Gaffney-Jones (Additional Learning Needs Leader)


Pupil Voice and Wellbeing Leaders:

Carly Gaffney-Jones (Additional Learning Needs Leader)


CIW regional office:

Government Buildings
Picton Terrace
SA31 3BT

Telephone: 01267 245160
Fax: 01267 245140


Equality Impact Assessment

Under the Equality Act 2010 we have a duty not to discriminate against people on the basis of their age, disability, gender, gender identity, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation.


Next Review Date:  

September 2024

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392