- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
At Llangyfelach Primary School we will expect everyone to be considerate toward others in both thought and action, be respectful of other people's opinions and show enthusiasm for all that we do.
We aim to provide a happy atmosphere in which staff and parents work together for the welfare of the children, and where children adopt certain standards of behaviour and values to develop a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their actions.
We encourage children to be polite, well mannered, helpful to each other and to become good citizens. The principle that underpins our approach to school behaviour is that no-one has the right to prevent another child from learning or a teacher from teaching.
We aim to give all our children a shared sense of pride in attending Llangyfelach Primary School and to feel that it is a place where they are safe to learn without disruption.
To achieve our aims we will:-
Create an environment which encourages and reinforces good behaviour.
Define acceptable standards of behaviour.
Encourage consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour.
Promote the Well-being of pupils and staff.
Promote self-esteem, self-discipline and positive relationships.
Ensure that the school's expectations and strategies are widely known and understood.
Encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy.
It is important that we all understand the definition of acceptable behaviour. Equally, unacceptable behaviour and the consequences of such behaviour must also be clearly stated. From the outset we recognise that there is a distinction between emotionally disturbed behaviour and poor behaviour.
The general standard of behaviour is the collective responsibility of the whole staff. A definition of emotional, social and behavioural difficulties can be as follows:
Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties can arise from interactions in the home, peer group, school, community and child.
They are frequently a sign of environmental pressure, unmet needs, emotional difficulties or the development of behaviour that enables the individual to cope under pressure.
They show themselves in many ways including:
attention seeking
low motivation
Every time a child displays unacceptable behaviour it must be challenged, or it will be seen as being condoned. These aims are best achieved in a hard-working, pleasant atmosphere in which pupils are able to give their best, both in and out of the classroom.
This demands a positive policy of encouraging socially acceptable behaviour and high standards of work, rewarding and praising wherever possible and the setting of good examples by staff and parents. Praise and encouragement should be used as much as possible so behaviour management can take the form of rewarding, not always punishing.
We aim to emphasise the positive rather than criticise.
We encourage all members of staff to praise in a number of ways:
A quiet word of encouragement
A positive written comment on a piece of work
A visit to another member of staff, or the Headteacher
Praise in front of the group, class or whole school
Award assembly (weekly) to praise good work, behaviour and attitude.
Giving a special privilege
Display of work
Inviting parents / carers in to share good work
Rewarding Class Dojo Points
Positive Approach
We use an assertive behaviour management policy that is based on respect for all members of the school community. Llangyfelach Primary School staff lead by example and support the following principles:
We make a positive contribution realising that good order has to be worked for, it does not simply happen.
We set high standards, apply rules firmly and fairly and expect acceptable standards of behaviour and work.
Everyone is here for a purpose and must be treated as an individual.
Relationships are vital between everyone at every level.
We all make mistakes sometimes and are willing to admit if we are wrong
Problems are normal where children are learning and testing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour
All staff will always avoid:
Humiliating - it breeds resentment
Shouting - it diminishes you
Over reacting - the problems grow
Blanket punishments - the innocent will resent them
Over punishment - never punish what you can’t prove
Leaving pupils outside rooms unsupervised
All staff will always:
Keep calm
Be positive
Build relationships
Carry out any consequences that have had to be put in place
Be consistent
Follow up problems to their conclusion
Always apply school rules.
Positive Behaviour Strategy - Good to be Green
Children start the day with a green card. If they display inappropriate behaviour, they receive a yellow warning card. If the behaviour does not improve, they receive a red card which carries a consequence and parents are notified.
At the end of the school day there will be time for reflection. Every child with a green card is awarded two Class Dojo Points. Points accumulate to become awards. Class totals will be calculated half-termly with the winning class choosing a reward of either Golden Time or extra Playtime. At the end of the academic year, individual totals will be collated in each class. Prizes will be awarded to pupils in first and second place in an awards assembly. Points are displayed for all pupils and are directly linked to LPS Code (see link).
Team Points
As a child enters the school they are allocated to a team:
Pupils are able to win Class Dojo Points for their teams through praise for positive behaviour, demonstrating values linked to the LPS Code, winning competitions in the school Eisteddfod and Sports Day.
Lunchtimes & Breaktimes:
Duty staff are encouraged to award Class Dojo Points for children who display positive behaviour. Children who display negative behaviour during Lunchtime/Breaktime and are failing to respond to feedback from staff, will be sent to a member of the SLT to discuss behaviour, consequences and next steps.
Positive Behaviour Management Measures
Each teacher will discuss the values and school code which are linked directly to the points and their values. These are:
Green Card Award
Determination to do your best
Look after LPS and Friends
Play Fair and Cooperate
Positive Relationships
Reflection on Learning
Respect for Others
Similarities and Differences
Dojo Cymraeg
These are used consistently throughout the school to develop a positive ethos.
Unreasonable Behaviour & Unfinished Work
If a task is unfinished as a result of unreasonable behaviour, the child may be asked to complete the task during playtime, or the task may become part of homework if appropriate.
Exclusions: refer to the Education Act 1997 which states:-
Fixed period exclusions Headteachers will have the right to exclude pupils for fixed periods of up to 45 days (previous legislation limited fixed-period exclusions to 15 days per term)”
Appeals against exclusions - the procedures for hearing appeals will:
Strengthen the rights of the school to be represented
Require appeal committees to consider the interests of other pupils and staff at the school as well as the excluded pupil.
Take account of the school’s behaviour management procedures.
We monitor class absences and look for specific patterns which could be caused by truancy. If a child is absent we ask the parent to phone us stating the reason. It is then logged in the absence book and entered onto the register. An alternative is a note from the parent stating the reason for the absence. An initial phone call to parents of absent pupils is made as a courtesy call on the first day of absence. Where there is a cause for concern such as a series of unauthorised absences, the parent is asked to come into school to discuss the matter. We work very closely with the Education Welfare Officer in monitoring absence. Class teachers are asked to be extremely vigilant when it comes to absence and are to discuss any concerns with the Senior Leadership Team immediately. These concerns are brought to the attention of the EWO for referral.
Restraining Pupils
We are aware of the Education Act 1997 - school discipline - Power to restrain pupils. We restrain pupils only in extreme circumstances where, through restraint, we might;
Prevent the pupil from committing an offence
Prevent the pupils from injury or damage to himself/herself, property or to others.
Relationship with Parents
We value and need the support of our parents in putting this policy into action. It is essential that parents/carers should be fully informed about their child’s behaviour. Every effort is made to ensure that there is good communication between home and school. Should a child’s behaviour be a cause for concern their parents will be contacted and the matter discussed.
Our school is a community and children need to be taught as early as possible to appreciate that school is a workplace in which a certain code of behaviour has to be adhered to for the good of the whole community. We strive to ensure that parents have an awareness and understanding of:
The principles and expectations of the school on behaviour.
An awareness and understanding of the school rules.
Knowledge of the school procedures:
An awareness of the school’s expectation of parental support and collaboration.
Teachers will try to establish the facts and who is involved in a given situation. They will then decide the appropriate action or strategy to be employed. It is essential that all children are listened to, and that a sense of fairness prevails.
If a child forfeits their playtime they are usually asked to sit at the reflection table in the corridor outside Mr Burnell's office. If children are sent to the Headteacher they are given tasks during this time which relate to their behaviour which cause the children to think about their actions and the consequences to themselves and others.
If there is a severe cause for concern about the behaviour of a child, the class teacher will consult SLT for further advice. Parents of the child may be asked to meet the SLT in order to discuss the best way forward in order to provide the best form of support needed. Behaviour agencies may also be contacted for advice. If required, individual behaviour plans may be used for children where negative behaviour may have a detrimental effect on academic achievement.
School Trips
If a pupil is deemed as being at risk because of their behaviour, we ask a parent or suitable adult to accompany that child on the trip.
We have a ‘core of expectations’ for our school and the elements that constitute the core are as follows: -
Start of the day
Children arrive in school between 8:40am and 9:00am under the supervision of SLT, they make their way to class in an orderly fashion where they are met and supervised by their class teacher.
Entering and leaving classroom
Children enter their classroom as a whole class under the supervision of their class teacher. They are encouraged to be orderly and considerate. All belongings are stored safely in individual lockers.
At the end of every session, children are to ensure the classroom is left clean and tidy with all resources stored correctly. If a child wishes to leave the room, they must ask permission. Children line up to leave the classroom in an orderly manner under the supervision of the class teacher.
Community Agreement
To ensure this policy is communicated with our community, it is available on our website. To ensure that this policy is adhered to, a LPS Community Agreement is set in place and reinforced throughout the school. All staff, parents and pupils agree to and sign this document on school entry.
Please find a copy of this agreement here.
This policy will be reviewed when required