- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
iTeam - consisting of pupils, teacher, senior leader and governor. This pupil voice group (PVG) helps steers online safety throughout the school community and helps organise online safety workshops with external agencies.
Any child protection/safeguarding issues is reported to and dealt with by the child protection officer (CPO) - Lee Burnell. Any online safety issues come under that category and is dealt with by the CPO.
Any concerns raised by staff or children regarding online safety is reported via MyConcern software, as stated by school policy.
iTeam have been delegated the responsibility for raising awareness, educating and providing resources to support online learning safety through the curriculum.
Staff contracts - which highlight compliance of the Acceptable Use Policy.
Home School Agreement Contract - which highlights responsibilities whilst online for parents and pupils.
As stated above, our online safety governor - responsible for reporting to the full governing body about online safety - is an active member of the iTeam, steering online safety throughout the school community.
LPS has an Online Safety Policy, where each member of the community's roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. This policy complies with Welsh Government guidelines and is reviewed and ratified annually with the governing body.
The scope of the LPS online safety policy covers the use of all technologies, systems and software used within the school and at home. It has links with Safeguarding and Well-Being policies applied throughout LPS.
LPS provides guidance on acceptable use of technology, for all members of the community - this is highlighted in the Acceptable Use Policy and displayed in the school foyer for all visitors to agree on, prior to entering the school premises.
All student and staff induction processes highlight the importance of the Acceptable Use Policy.
All staff receive annual INSET sessions regarding acceptable use of technologies in and outside of school.
Estyn, local authority (LA) and regional reviews of the school's online safety processes report that this is a strong feature of LPS.
Moving forward, LPS will organise parent online questionnaires to gauge their opinion on the school's online safety procedures.
LPS is applying for the online 360 accreditation mark - demonstrating our commitment to self-review.
There are clear links between the Online Safety Policy and sections within our suite of Safeguarding and Educational policies e.g. positive behaviour, anti-bullying, health and well-being, ICT, etc.
All parents have agreed to consent to multiple learning platforms such as HWB, MyMaths, Class Dojo, etc - these acceptance requests are available in our LPS Admission Pack.
LPS uses an online safeguarding tool called MyConcern - incidences of cyberbullying are logged and treated as a safeguarding issue. These incidences are reviewed in order to improve future practise.
LPS provides online workshops through the police service for online safety.
LPS takes part in Safer Internet Day - providing activities throughout the school.
Whole school assemblies regularly feature elements of online safety.
The LPS ICT Curriculum has a section devoted to improving online safety, with its skills permeating the whole school curriculum.
LPS uses an online safeguarding tool called MyConcern - incidences of cyberbullying are logged and treated as a safeguarding issue. These incidences are reviewed in order to improve future practise.
All members of the community are confident in raising concerns to the school, as there are clear lines of escalation to multi-agencies.
All reports are logged for future auditing and monitoring.
The Acceptable Use Policy (as stated above) covers appropriate use of mobile technologies, and is communicated via staff induction, INSET and pupil admissions. There are also references within the Home School Agreement.
Pupils have individual, secure passwords used for online platform learning (MyMaths, Reading Eggs/Eggspress) and also HWB learning platform.
LPS ICT scheme has online safety and digital citizenship taught and implemented through every project, in every year group.
The Digital Citizenship elements are tackled and standardised in every half term - good practice is kept as good examples and highlighted in ADDs sessions, every half term along with other core subjects. The good examples are presented to the world via class pages.
In Review week - iTeam monitor the standard and coverage of work, which is shared to governors. Reports are also created to show findings and steps forward.
The Acceptable Use Policy (as stated above) covers appropriate use of social media, and is communicated via staff induction, INSET and pupil admissions.
Users understand the risks associated with the use of social media and are encouraged to be responsible users both in and out of school.
Laptops and iPads are used throughout year groups across the school.
The ICT curriculum and staff training promote the development of responsible use of social media.
Our school app - TheSchoolApp - is used to share information, promote good work practices, as well as online work.
Good practice is also promoted through the LPS Facebook and Instagram pages - with posts uploaded and monitored by designated social media officers. Permission and authorisation is always asked before posting - the LPS admission form has large sections about appropriate use of online learning and consent - nothing goes online without permission.
Parental permissions are gained through admission pack, regarding publishing personal images on the LPS website and other publications.
All members of the community understand their rights and responsibilities in taking, using, sharing and distribution of images - this is clearly communicated prior to events and throughout the year via school newsletters and notifications.
LPS' public online communications are used to provide information about online safety, this helps promote good practise through our use of this media, regarding digital images, copyright, identification and personal information.
LPS is fully GDPR compliant and has a designated officer monitoring GDPR compliance.
The Acceptable Use Policy (as stated above) covers appropriate use of communications between staff and pupils, and is communicated via staff induction, INSET and pupil admissions. There are also references within the Home School Agreement.
members of staff understand the need for communication between learners, parents and carers and member of the community - these are professional in nature and comply with school policy.
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