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Expressive Arts in LPS - Autumn Term Monitoring
During Review Week this term, the PVG and AoLE Leader monitored Expressive Arts in LPS by listening to learners, speaking to staff, devising a staff questionnaire, looking at the LPS website and looking at pupil’s work.
We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan:
The teaching and learning of Expressive Arts is being linked excellently to the LPS New Curriculum topics. All children in LPS are developing a wide variety of skills and knowledge whilst expressing their creativity and deepening their imagination. In 'The Dino Eggs are Hatching' children have completed artwork using chalks, pencils and paints. In 'Reception to the Rescue' children used paint to produce self portraits. In 'Swansea's History Detectives' children have used pencils to carry out observational drawings. In 'What's in Your Deadly 60?' children composed and performed TV jingles. In 'The Black Gold of Wales' children produced pieces of art using pencils and charcoal. In 'Wales at War' children have appraised wartime music. Partaking in Expressive Arts activities that are linked to these rich themes and topics helps children to make connections with their work and increases their interest in the topic.
Drama is being carried out across the school in a number of classes. Children across the school have been using playscripts to rehearse for the LPS Christmas Production. Children in Foundation Phase have been taking part in role plays linking to their literacy activities. Children in LKS2 have carried out improvisation drama activities linking to their topic. Children across both school phases have used playscripts during their group reading sessions. Drama gives children opportunities to express themselves, deal with emotions and feelings in a supportive environment, and to generate new knowledge and transferable skills.
Children in LPS are developing their knowledge and awareness of Welsh artists. Children in FP have worked in the style of Welsh painter Rhiannon Roberts, children in LKS2 have worked in the style of Welsh artist Chris Chalk and children in UKS2 have worked in the style of Welsh/Polish artist Josef Herman. Developing an aesthetic appreciation of Welsh artists at an early age helps children develop their eyes and minds as they begin to think about what they see in life, whilst maintaining pride and patriotism in their country and culture.
Our next steps are:
Continuing to analyse the staff questionnaire in order to provide support, resources and guidance in the teaching of Drama in LPS.
Creative Crew to continue to review the new LPS Curriculum Projects to check for coverage and progression across each year group and to ensure that there are opportunities for self-determined learning.
Creative Crew and AoLE Leader to support staff in enhancing the children’s awareness, knowledge and understanding of historical and present day composers, artists and actors from Wales.