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Play, Learn and Grow Together


During our LPS Review weeks, during the Autumn and Summer terms, members of the Pupil Voice Group and the AoLE leader undertook Workbook looks and Listening to Learners activities, and then fed back to our allocated school governor.  


We identified the following strengths related to our Action Plan:



  • Looking at examples of work from class webpages and subject monitoring has shown that nearly all classes have produced ICT work based on the scheme of work, benefitting the children by allowing them opportunities to experience new aspects of ICT tailored towards the new Science & Technology Curriculum for 2022, increasing their confidence and abilities from a range of ICT activities. The examples of work observed (example activities such as codingimage manipulation and movie making) have all been undertaken this term, at a very high standard, ensuring all groups of learners are working to a high standard throughout the year.
  • Pupils within the iTeam PVG have made improvements with their DCF skills, communicating their work to the wider community – e.g. monitoring feedback to governor and presenting to external award invigilators. This helps the pupils within the PVG, as it helps them to improve their own leadership, as well as shape the way the Science & Technology subjects are taught and progress within the school.  
  • Llangyfelach Primary School became the first school in Swansea to be awarded with the Safe Cymru 360 Online Safety Award. As well as being a massive achievement for the school, ensuring that the pupils of the school are safe online and have a clear awareness of online safety, it also enabled the PVG to improve their leadership skills (as stated above) and realise the impact that their work is having on the school and wider communities.  


Science & Technology

  • In nearly all classes, the school have adopted the science 'planning board' strategy for their scientific enquiries (all KS2 classes have planning board displays and FP have mobile display boards). Through the web page examples of work, as well as professional dialogue, the standard of work based from the 'planning board' approach is at a high quality- at or above expected levels. This has benefited the children by giving a streamlined, standard-driven, approach to enquiry across the school and enabling the learners to become more engaged with the scientific enquiry planning process and more independent, confident learners within this area.
  • Web page examples of work has shown that about half of classes have undertaken practical design and technology activities. This is demonstrated through web page looks, with the example activities hyperlinked. The children have benefited from a good level of work towards planning and creating models. 


Next steps:

  • iTeam ICT subject monitoring, ensuring Science & Technology Curriculum 2022 'What Matters Statements' and scheme coverage to promote pupil-led learning and ensure a breadth of coverage of the subject areas are covered throughout the school. This will ensure the children will have access to a wide variety of Science & Technology applications and skills to enhance their understanding and ICT development. (PVG to work with AoLE leader to view coverage of this in planned 2022 Curriculum Maps).
  • AoLE leader to undertake a subject-audit questionnaire for staff. This will ensure that there will be an improved subject knowledge, which will enhance pupils' learning experiences and provision within the Science & Technology subject area.  
  • AoLE leader to monitor Virtual Reality headset implementation throughout the school, ensuring staff have the relevant training and confidence to deliver VR-based lesson. This will enhance the learning experiences for all learners and improve engagement levels for topics throughout the school.
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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392