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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Week: 29/06/2020

Bora da pawb. There is another week of full activities for you to choose from. If the weather changes and you can not go outside, a picnic in the house would be just as good. We are learning lots of Welsh this week.  Songs, shapes, number and words. I hope you enjoy the activities. I am looking forward to see your lovely photos and your great videos. Thank you for your support. 
Giglets: A Week of Weather

Complete the assigned task- Higher Order Thinking Skills.


We have seen a lot of different types of weather over the last couple of weeks. I would love you to tell me your favourite type of weather. You can dress in your favourite weather clothes and say the weather you prefer. You can say it in Welsh or English. I am looking forward to seeing your videos. 

What is your favourite weather?

Still image for this video

Phonics: Sound a


Can you make, draw or colour something that begins with the sound 'a'. Can you write the beginning sound or the word to label your picture? Here are some examples: ant, apple, alligator or an astronaut. It is up to you.

Can you write the sound 'a' in the play dough using a pencil or chop stick? I would love to see you write your name in the coloured play dough!


Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!

Still image for this video
We would love to hear you sing your favourite nursery rhyme.

Maths: Shape, pattern and number

This week we are looking at shapes. Have a look at how many different shapes you can find around your house and in the garden. Trace around the shapes you have found, cut out and create a picture, using your shapes. Maybe a train, monster, flower or a mini beast (ant)? Can you name the shapes? How many sides does it have? Can you count how many shapes you have used, in Welsh?


As we are learning Welsh this week, can you collect as many different shapes around the house and count how many triangles, circle, squares you have? Can you remember how to count numbers in Welsh? I would love to listen to you! Listen to the numbers below to help you remember.

Topic: Ants

Have a look in the garden if you can find some ants or even an ant hill. Watch how they move. Can you make an ant hill? 

Can you make a musical instrument, using a plastic bottle? You can decorate it and fill your bottle with different things, to create a shaker of different sounds. Here are some examples to put inside your bottle: rice, pasta, sand, buttons, peas. If you want to use the minibeast musical picture boards below, you can make your own music pattern, using a different shaker for each mini beast. Count the beats and shake your musical instrument to the number of beats shown on the card. Or you can sing your favourite nursery rhyme, using your shaker. Nursery staff has chosen their favourite rhyme for you to listen to.

If the weather is nice, you could go on a picnic in your garden with your family. But watch out for the Ants! They can smell food very quickly. Maybe you would like to find out what food the ants prefer to eat. Leave different food on a plate outside. Here are some examples: honey, dry crumbled cracker and some orange segments. Watch, what will happen?


Write a shopping list for your family to take to a supermarket or draw food in a basket of what you would like to take on your picnic, using the template below.  Here are some Welsh words to help label your items. If you prefer, you can write the beginning sound next to your food. 

Apple -          afal

Crisps -          creision

Sausage -      selsig

Sandwiches-  brechdanau

Carrots -        moron

Cake -            cacen

Water-            dwr

Fruit -             frwythau

Strawberries - Mefus


Together with the family, come and read the welsh story about Tedi Twt going shopping. Practise some simple words or phrases from the lovely story. Good morning- Bore da, Thank you- Diolch and some items, Tedi Twt would like to take on his picnic. 


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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392