- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
English is the main language of communication, teaching, learning and assessment at this school. However, the school is committed to promoting the aims and aspirations of the National Assembly Government in developing bilingualism as set out in its review policy of the Welsh Language “Our Language: Its Future”.
We agree with the statement that “……. The Welsh language belongs to all the speakers of Wales, be they Welsh speakers or non-Welsh speakers….”
We wish to work closely with the Criw Iaith and to hear their views and opinions as we acknowledge and support Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that children should be encouraged to form and to express their views.
We as a school community have a commitment to promote equality. Therefore, an equality impact assessment has been undertaken and we believe this policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010.
We are aware that “Our Language: Its Future” identifies that in order to raise standards in bilingualism “schools should consider ways of improving standards in Welsh Second language”. We therefore aim to:
Ensure that all pupils receive regular, structured Welsh Second language teaching.
Ensure appropriate time allocation for developing oracy, reading and writing skills in order to fulfil the demands of the Programmes of Study of the National Curriculum.
Provide appropriate activities for pupils to make progress in their knowledge, understanding and skills in Welsh Second language.
Foster positive attitudes in all stakeholders towards bilingualism.
Motivate pupils to use Welsh spontaneously in all aspects of school life.
Ensure that every day Welsh is used regularly.
Provide opportunities for pupils to use Welsh across the curriculum where appropriate.
Ensure that the Key Skills and Wider Key Skills are integral to the development of Welsh Second language.
Work with the Welsh Advisory Service and ensure that all follow up work is completed between visits.
Provide sufficient and appropriate teaching and learning resources to enhance standards.
To work with other schools to share good practice in order to improve this policy.
We will seek to inform all stakeholders in our school of the benefits of bilingualism and will provide opportunities for all pupils to achieve their full potential in relation to their bilingual skills.
This school is situated in a predominately English speaking area and where the majority of pupils come from English speaking homes. In planning for bilingualism we will consider all pupils’ Welsh Second language ability and will monitor progress throughout the school.
The majority of the teaching and support staff are non Welsh speaking. The school’s policy is to provide all staff with sufficient training for them to be able to deliver Welsh Second language to their pupils.
Promotion of Welsh
We will promote oracy, reading and writing in both English and Welsh Language in informal and structured situations. Welsh will be given an audible and visual place in and around the school including school assemblies, concerts, signage, displays, Welsh lessons and class activities.
Criw Iaith
The Criw Iaith are leading the promotion of bilingualism in and out of the classroom. They applied for their role and in turn, take responsibility for leading bilingualism within the school. This involves meeting and greeting visitors, initiating playground games with younger pupils as well as monitoring and rewarding spoken welsh in and out of the classroom.
The Criw Iaith will be involved in:
determining the review of this policy with the Governing Body;
monitoring improvements to this policy during the school year;
organising surveys to gauge the thoughts of all pupils;
reviewing the effectiveness of this policy with the Governing Body
leading a weekly award assembly to reward bilingualism
Patrwm Y Pythefnos
The Criw Cymraeg introduce a specific Welsh pattern, which is displayed on a whole school board in the hall, at the end of the Seren Y Wythnos Assembly fortnightly. When a member of staff, or Criw Iaith, hear pupils using the new Welsh pattern they reward them with a ‘Dojo Cymraeg’.
Dojo Cymraeg
Each class from Reception – Year 6 is rewarded for speaking Welsh in or out of the classroom. Staff or the Criw Iaith, reward bilingualism by awarding Welsh dojos. At the end of a half term, the winning class wins a reward.
This policy will be reviewed when required.