- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
Severe weather warnings may initiate decisions
Letters home to parents stating precautions and intentions
Inclement Weather Strategy and procedures discussed with all staff
Site Assessment
Site Assessment carried out by Headteacher and Caretaker
This may require a phone call decision if any Site Assessor is unable to attend school.
Decision to close is based on the health/safety of all pupils and staff
Closing the school while all staff and pupils already on site:
School office and class teachers work closely to ensure that all parents are contacted as soon as possible to inform about school closure
Parent Push Notification platform, school website and Parent Email used to inform and update all parents.
Staff travelling situations need consideration
Distance, Walking, Vehicle, Health, etc.
Lee Burnell to contact (Using the Password)
Rhodri Jones – Stakeholders and Communications Manager
01792 636388 (Rhodri.jones@swansea.gov.uk)
The Wave
01792 511233 (news@thewave.co.uk)
Closing the school before the school day starts
Site Assessor contacts Headteacher (If cannot attend)
Headteacher contacts the Admin Team
Admin Team uses Parent Push Notification platform to inform all parents about the decision.
The school has set up a staffing group using social media software to ensure all staff can be contacted and updated in realtime.
Headteacher informs the Local Authority and The Wave using the security password.
School stays open, however some staff cannot attend due to localised problems
This information should come back to the Headteacher or SLT staff.
This prevents bottlenecking of phone calls and texting.
If staff do attend school the health and safety of all pupils and staff is paramount - Therefore the following factors must be considered:
Is the site safe to enter?
Is the heating working?
Have cleaners been able to attend?
Can lunch be provided?
Is there running water at all stations?
Do we have adequate pupil to staff ratio?
1 Adult:30 Pupils (Class Based)
This may require reorganisation of classes if necessary
Crucial! – What is the current forecast!
This policy will be reviewed when necessary.