- February 2025 Newsletter 5th February 2025
- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
In nearly all classes, pupils experience a breadth of texts (topic books, welsh books and magazines, real-life texts and news related texts) which fosters an enjoyment of reading and develops debate and understanding of topical issues to support their class topics.
In nearly all classes, the use of topic-based comprehension tasks provides purposeful opportunities for pupils to apply their higher order reading skills in real-life contexts.
When listening to learners, nearly all spoke positively about the use of Giglets, our online library, both in school and at home and how they used it at home and in school. This is having a positive impact on their enjoyment of reading and is evident in class-based reading sessions.
LA online questionnaire indicated that 95% of parents had completed online learning over the lockdown period, therefore raising the profile of Giglets within the home and improving the online dialogue between parent, teacher and child through the platform.
During professional discussions, the weekly use of Giglets as a tool for online learning, improved the confidence of all staff and embedded the platform fully within the LPS community.
In nearly all classes, the use of LPS Drafting & Editing strategies is having a positive impact on the standard of writing throughout the school.
KS2 pupils make very good use of self and peer-assessment strategies using the LPS Marking Codes and success criteria to edit and improve their writing. As a result, writing continues to be of a very good standard.
When listening to learners, all spoke about the purpose of the Writer’s Wall within the writing process. As a result, pupils are able to make use of the Writer’s Wall to structure and improve their writing.
When listening to learners, most spoke about their enjoyment of the spelling sessions, identifying rainbow writing and words within words as some of their favourite strategies used.
During workbook scrutiny it was evident that the investigative approach to spelling is taking place in all classes on a weekly basis.
From data analysis (Weekly Test Scores) it is clear that spelling carousels are continuing to have a positive impact on standards.
When listening to learners, Drillo takes place regularly in nearly all classes which has resulted in increased learner confidence when using key patterns.
Workbook Scrutiny demonstrates that the standard of Welsh across the school is at the expected level in many classes.
From listening to learners, nearly all classes make use of Welsh reading books during the Reading Carousel session and as a result, many pupils in UPKS2 showed a good understanding of what they had read.
The Criw Iaith carried out a listening to learner exercise and a learning walk to observe bilingualism in and out of the classroom environment. They felt there was evidence of bilingual signage and displays in early all classes.
Next steps:
Monitor the use of success criteria when drafting and editing to further incorporate technical aspects.
Monitor the standard of handwriting and presentation to ensure it is line with the school policy.
Share and model good practice within the use of the Writer’s Wall and Magpie strategy to further develop and extend rich vocabulary choices.
Share resources and strategies across the school to further develop confidence in Welsh reading.