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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Target 2

The standards of Teaching and Learning are good or better across the school, with aspects that require further development.  The aim of this target is to ensure that standards are excellent consistently across the school.  The application and success of the following systems, strategies and processes will be monitored over this academic year:

  • Further enhance the active involvement of pupils in their learning and self- assessment to improve their work using the LPS AfL Booklet Systems developed.

  • Further develop teacher and pupil modelling of learning strategies, attributes, skills and standards so that pupils learn to evaluate and improve collaboratively.

  • Ensure that Reflection Time is provided across the school, in order to develop self and peer evaluative skills.

  • To develop higher order thinking, pupil voice and questioning using the LPS Matrix approach

  • To encourage and develop self-directed and self-determined learning.

  • Review application and impact of our refined Pupil Learning Journal (Focusing on the 4 Purposes) regarding:

    • eliciting Heutagogical approaches towards learning.

    • the development of Integral Skills across the curriculum.

    • attitude to learning.

  • Provide a robust system for staff training and sharing good practice to ensure consistent approach towards teaching and learning.

  • Utilise the LPS Teaching and Learning Booklet to gauge improvements and next steps during PM sessions and LPS Review Fortnights.


Throughout SLT monitoring across the year, Workbook Scrutiny and Lesson Observations we identified that:

  • The quality of learning and teaching is good in most places with some examples of excellent practice.  This needs to be shared across the whole school to ensure consistency.

  • Pupil learning and progress demonstrates high standards of achievement throughout the school, however with more consistent use of LPS systems, this could be improved further.

  • Most staff apply the LPS AfL Progression Model well, which focuses on how learners can reflect on their learning more independently and collaboratively.

  • Many staff ensure that there are clear learning objectives for every learning activity, and co-constructed success criteria where appropriate.

  • Nearly all staff motivate pupils to understand and become confident in selecting effective strategies suited to their learning.

  • When offered the opportunity, pupils demonstrate good self-evaluative and reflection skills that improve their learning.

  • Many staff provide purposeful and appropriate reflection time in order to organise their thinking and learning.

  • Nearly all teachers use resources, and support staff, effectively and innovatively to provide strong support and challenge for learners.


Next Steps:

  1. Improve bilingualism across the school to ensure consistency of approach.
  2. Improve the consistency of application of LPS AfL systems across the school.
  3. Improve planning and lesson structure that support and challenge all groups of learners throughout all stages of learning experiences.
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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392