- January 2025 Newsletter 8th January 2025
- Christmas 2024 Newsletter 18th December 2024
- December 2024 Newsletter 3rd December 2024
The LPS Curriculum design focuses on a coherent collection of rich, engaging and relevant Learning Projects that ensures:
Continuity and progression of skill application, and deepening of specific knowledge and values, that supports learners to realise the four purposes.
Provision of increasingly sophisticated understanding and application of the Statements of What Matter, which provide the basis for learners' progression.
Provide further depth and breadth through awareness and application of the Descriptions of Learning across all Areas of Learning over time.
Application and sophistication of Cross-curricular and Integral Skills.
Consideration of Cross-cutting elements, which allow learners to:
consider local, national and international contexts,
develop understanding of real world experiences,
develop understanding of human rights education and diversity.
Motivation of learners to self-direct their enquiry driven learning using our LPS Matrix approach.
The identification and selection of effective strategies or approaches throughout the learning process using our LPS Pupil Learning Journal.
During our Autumn Review Week our AoLE Leaders and Pupil Voice Groups undertook a variety of whole school monitoring and evaluation processes such as, work scrutiny, environment walks and listening to learners. AoLE Leaders and Class Teachers also completed data analysis of standardised testing and reviewed progress of the new LPS Curriculum projects.
The standard of skills applied across Learning Projects was deemed equitable to those developed during discrete sessions. For example, in KS2 learners plotted bearings for World War II bombers and used their data handling skills when investigating the speed of deadly animals. In the Foundation Phase, learners used their reasoning skills to solve passenger problems on the Mumbles Train.
There were many examples of experiences where learners were locating, selecting and applying reading strategies to gain information. They were able to organise their writing to convey meaning across all areas of learning. Our younger learners in the Foundation Phase developed their oracy and writing skills when writing questions for a member of the Emergency Services. Our Year 2 learners used their literacy skills to inform others of the Mumbles Train and history of their local area, enhancing their research skills.
It is evident from work scrutiny that high levels of literacy skills were used to access information and research areas for further information. For example, our Year 3 learners wrote Information Texts about Deadly Creatures, while our year 4 learners explored the Digestive System. Our Year 6 learners used their knowledge of the Historical era studied, to write a letter from an evacuee in their WWII project demonstrating maturity and empathy within their writing skills.
Learners at LPS experience a rich variety of activities across the Science and Technology Area of Learning, enabling learners to improve their understanding of the wide spectrum of concepts and skills. For example, in KS2 learners were able to plan scientific enquiries about how they could have improved miner's working conditions with eye patches and create animations and presentations about World War II events. In Foundation Phase, learners were able to develop Oracy skills using ExplainEverything, made models of ancient monuments and planned and observed changes in matter investigations.
Virtual Reality (VR) experiences within class sessions have provided rich experiences that engage pupils fully into learning projects. Nearly all learners who have had experiences of VR within class sessions enjoyed the experiences and said that it helped them with their learning and that they were excited to use the headsets. Examples of these VR experiences were: looking at the anatomy of the eyeball, London Underground during wartime and looking at ancient monuments.
The analysis of the introduction of our new Learning Projects during our Autumn and Spring LPS Review Weeks was very positive. Pupil engagement is high and learner outcomes are of a very good standard.
The design, introduction and review process of our LPS Learning Projects has provided rich leadership development opportunities across the community. AoLE leaders, PVGs and Governors have reviewed curriculum content and vision for their area – working in teams and across phases to support one another. AoLE leaders have worked collaboratively to review and develop Area of Learning progression models linked to LPS Learning projects. LPS review processes have enabled leaders to adapt our LPS Learning projects to reflect progression models to ensure rich range of learning experiences.
This analysis has also provided areas for further development which we will work on throughout the academic year, in order to further refine our new LPS Curriculum:
AoLE Leader & PVG – Make Relevant Adaptions focusing on:
Continuity & Progression (at least 2 cycles of over learning on concepts)
Clarity of subject matter continuums (History Timeline/Mapping/RE/etc)
PVG members (Class Reps) bring projects to class to add further ideas
Complete Progression Models for all 6 AoLE in order to develop rich, broad and engaging learning experiences for all.