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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Welcome Letter



Dear Parents / Carers,

A very warm welcome to the new academic year! I am happy to meet my new Year 4 class and hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break. This is just a short note to introduce and highlight some of the routines as your child starts Year 4. The children have had a great first few days and are settling in well in their new class. Please ensure that the children’s names are on all of their belongings to ensure their items do not get lost.


Class Topic

Our first topic of the year is called ‘The River Ilston Disaster’. It is a Humanities based topic with lots of opportunity for development in each of the different Areas of Learning! We will be looking at several aspects such as The River Ilston itself, as well as volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, global warming and lots of other interesting aspects.

The children are have already been contributing excellent ideas in our lessons this week!



This half-term PE will take place on a Tuesday and Friday. Please can all children wear their PE kit to school on these days. They must wear PE kit which is suitable for outdoor PE lessons. Earrings must be removed for lessons, if your child is unable to do this by themselves, please could they not wear them to school on their PE day.


Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons will take place in the first summer term – more information and consents will be sent home nearer the time, next year.



It is important that reading books and reading records are taken home and returned to school every day, as there are daily timetabled sessions for group reading. Children will be allocated a reading day for when they will be listened to by an adult. However, there may be occasions when this varies therefore it is important that the children bring their reading book and record in every day. If your child finishes their reading book before their allocated reading day, then they can see myself or another member of staff to change their book – please do not wait until their reading day.



Homework will be set every Friday. This will consist of spelling practise as well as Reading Eggspress and MyMaths activities. The children will be sent home with their online platform passwords as a reminder prior to their first homework deadline. Additionally, during reading time, the children will have an opportunity to work on their set reading tasks. If all homework is completed, the children will be rewarded with a session of ‘Eggstratime’.



This year, we will continue to be using Vocabulary Ninja! A spelling session will be taught in class on a Friday. A spelling list linked to the lesson will be added to our webpage in the ‘Spelling’ section on a Friday in readiness for a test the following Friday.



There will be weekly spelling, mental maths and times table tests which will take place on a Friday. All homework can be accessed from the Homework section on our Class Webpage.



Just a reminder that we will provide everything that your child needs to participate in lessons. Please limit anything that your child brings in from home, and if they do bring in any of their own stationery, it must be looked after by them.


Pupil Information

In order to maintain up to date records, please could you inform me of any allergies, medication or dietary requirements the children may have. Thank you.


I hope that this answers any questions that you may have. If there are any further queries, please contact me. I am really looking forward to spending this academic year with the class and helping them to progress whilst having fun doing so.


Thank you for your support in these areas.


Miss Galvin

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Play, Learn and Grow Together

Termly Attendance
  • Whole School 94.2
  • Nursery AM 89.7 / PM 86.9
  • Reception 91.7
  • Year 1 95
  • Year 2 92.2
  • Year 3 95.2
  • Year 4 93.7
  • Year 5 96.7
  • Year 6 92.7
House Points
  • Glyndwr 6,449
  • Llewellyn 5,349
  • Caradog 6,392